

Jennie's recipes

Monday 13 April 2015

A wonderful birthday walk in Pembrokeshire, part II

Carn Llidi.  It looked formidable even from this distance, let alone closer up!

We continued with our walk, and were about to turn right here.  At some point in the past a few little fields had been made using drystone walls - no shortage of stone here.  Now they were largely given over to heather and gorse.

Looking behind us as we began to climb.

Another time, we keep on walking along the coastal path.  It was so beautiful.

Above and below: More stone-walled fields, but these were properly maintained and grazed by sheep.

We had the sea to our backs now, and this was the view inland, where it flattens out completely.

One of the unregistered Welsh Mountain broodmares out on the rough land.  Her blagdon markings would make her desirable to gypsy horse breeders.

Here were some of her friends.  The grey against the fence was having a good scratch and making the post squeak.

It didn't look so steep from here - but the approach was from the other side and looked much worse!

This little holloway footpath was enticing, but we stuck to our route - and all got a "bootee" at a boggy area which was unavoidable.

What you can't see were the many insects and recent hatchings of various butterflies - Peacocks for one - which were flying past and around us.

Looking at the acres of gorse and blackthorn blooming, not to mention celendines, primroses and other wild flowers, it is a perfect habitat for insects.

And Thrift was starting to bloom on the coast edge.  If I remember rightly, this plant used to be on the back of the old threepenny bit . . .

One final look at the beach before we left the headland. Lots of folk were enjoying the sand and the sea, but I bet it was cold in the water this early in the year.

We had a stroll round the tiny city of St David's afterwards, but were too late for lunch and the piece of cake I fancied was scarce too, but I found a delicious slice of lemon and coconut cake with butter icing which hit the spot.

Back to normal postings after this.


  1. You are so fortunate to be surrounded by such beauty. I have visited Wales twice from the U.S., and simply adored it. I hope to return. A belated Happy Birthday! 🎂

  2. Belated happy birthday from me too......What a place and what beautiful light to set it off. I'm very envious of your cake.....I haven't eaten any for four months now.....lost nearly 12 pounds though! xxx

  3. Hello reader, and thanks for commenting. Yes, we are SO lucky to have this on our doorstep (well, about 1 1/2 hrs' drive away). Other lovely coastline nearer though. Glad you have visited Wales and loved it.

    Em - thanks for the belated birthday greetings. The light was amazing wasn't it? Ah, I shouldn't be at the cake either, but just this once . . . The cakes I make I always give away and only have the occasional piece. Well done on losing that weight.

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! What a beautiful area you live in!

  5. Another late birthday wish from me too. You header photos remind me of why it would be good to live in your part of the world for a while

  6. Thank you Jan. Yes, it is stunning down here.

    Smallholder - why not enjoy it for a while? The coast around here is amazing - be it Carmarthen's endless sandy beaches (with hardly ANYONE on them!) or Pembrokeshire's rocky coastline.

  7. Now that is one place I have visited and walked up on one of our house hunting trips we had out exploring :-)

  8. Nearly a year since I moved here and I still have to pinch myself every day, it is truly stunning here. Sometimes bleak sometimes chocolate box pretty but always amazing.

  9. Wonderful landscape photos in these two posts. In all my travels across the US I haven't seen anything quite similar.
    I love the stone walls which create the 'plotted and pieced' look of patchwork.
    Sadly, I doubt I would be up for the climbs, but can imagine pottering along the lower paths.

  10. What a beautiful place you live in and get to visit.
    Adore the ponies and the rock walls.
    The last photo, so stark in black and white is wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. parsnip - the coastline of Wales is stunning, and of course, we have lots of castles inland and coastal, to enjoy too!

    Pam - the Gower peninsula West of Swansea is truly beautiful too, and well worth exploring. There are some lovely walks or if you wish, you can just sit and gaze. Check out Rhossilli Bay . . . one of the best in the WORLD.

    Sharon - Britain has a wonderful coastline, and Pembrokeshire is similar to Cornwall in its ruggedness. Carmarthenshire, by contrast, has miles of flat sandy beaches and sand dunes - with scarcely anyone on them. Unlike Bournemouth in Dorset, which used to be our local beach, and it would be so crowded that there was scarcely an inch of sand between the families setting up their towels and buckets and spades . . .

    Dawn - I'm surprised you didn't decide to head for Pembrokeshire, but I suppose it's a case of finding the right smallholding, which you did in Carmarthenshire instead. We will meet up soon - I'll e-mail you.

  12. It was DW. I'd like to do a shorter version of it which meant I had the energy to climb up Carn Llidi . . .

  13. I have walked almost all of the Pembrokeshire cliff path at one time or another as this is an area we used to visit every year when our son was young. It is such beautiful scenery and the people are lovely.

  14. Beautiful images of a stunning place.

  15. Pat - I hope this post brought back many happy memories then. It was a magical day.

    Suzie - glad you enjoyed the photos.

  16. Beautiful photos of a really stunning place - thanks so much for sharing. I felt as though I was on the walk with you :)

  17. Gosh I am sure I wished you a happy birthday Jennie, probably did not press the 'publish', button but belated though the wishes are looks a smashing day, and how I envy you in my favourite place X

  18. Gosh I am sure I wished you a happy birthday Jennie, probably did not press the 'publish', button but belated though the wishes are looks a smashing day, and how I envy you in my favourite place X

  19. I thought I recognised the scenery. I'm surprised we didn't see Jackie Morris and her cats in the background ;)
    I loved the pictures and hope you had a wonderful

  20. Yarrow - yes, I thought of her too. Have you seen that her neighbour's lovely old house now belongs to the National Trust so will presumably be open to viewing in the future - all unspoilt as it was.

    Thelma - thank you. When we drove through Solva, we thought of you and the girls both said how pretty it was.
