

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 12 November 2015

R.I.P. Lucy

Lucy was my mum's cat.  Daughter of Lucky, who came to us as a stray about 20 years ago now, and sister to long-haired Fluff, who is still with us.

She lived downstairs with my mum, and was always a people-cat - she loved laps, and beds (inside them was always considered better than on top!) and couldn't understand why mum couldn't fuss her anymore once she'd had her stroke.  She was always with her, and was my last link with mum, who died back in 2007.

Of course, after mum's death, Lucy came upstairs to join the rest of the cats, but she was always slightly shunned because she had lived her own life with mum, was fed down there, and was out hunting a lot, so not "one of the gang."  She lost that eye after she and Lucky had opted to be on the same chair at night - one jumped on the other, who retaliated, lashed out, and despite lots of vet treatment, the infection accelerated and she had to have her eye removed.  She carried on hunting, but it left her vulnerable, especially towards the end of her life when the boys would take advantage of her blind side to dab her in passing, or worse, as she got very frail.

We knew this year (her 18th) would probably be her last.  She drank lots and it was obvious her kidneys weren't too good.  She had lost a lot of muscle tone and gone really grey (her mum, Lucky, had a silver "undercoat" beneath the black).  She was increasingly fussy about food and used to drive me mad when I had to offer four different breakfasts and she "might" deign to have a mouthful of the last.

About a month ago, when she was on our bed, I heard her yowl in a way which wasn't good.  I rushed in to see her, but she seemed OK, though after that she took to often sitting in the litter tray instead of on a chair.  On Sunday, when we were out at the Fleamarket all day, I noticed she had banged her head on the table or something when jumping up onto her chair, and there was a graze.  She spent Monday afternoon and evening, on my lap, happy as a sandboy, as I crocheted above her head. Whether or not the knock  had anything to do with it, suddenly on Tuesday afternoon I found her wandering, rather dazed-looking, around the kitchen.  I knew that her time had come.  I don't know if she had had a slight stroke or if it was just an inevitable downturn from her age, but I took her on my lap and stroked her gently until it was time for the next surgery at the vet's and we took her on her final journey.

She is buried by the apple trees at the top of the yard, and we have planted a cutting of the Banksia rose over her.  I like to think she is reunited with my mum now. . .


  1. Always sad when a pet leaves us x

  2. I am not sure which is the most painful, losing a loved pet or losing the last link to a loved person. Hugs x

  3. I'm sure she is sitting on your mums lap now and both are very happy together but I'm sad for you.

  4. She is with your Mum and they are both doing well.

    I am sorry for your loss though. Pets have a way of creeping into our hearts and staying there, even after they are gone.


  5. The downside of having pets is losing them isn't it BB? But she has had a good life, so hope you can remember her with love.

  6. Oh dear, thinking of our Nooshie now and upset.

  7. She had a good innings, and obviously got spoilt along the way, sad when an animal goes but it was her time.

  8. Hugs BB

    Once they get those paws wrapped round your heart you are lost and never easy when its time but then again they give so much unconditional love. I know that she got that back from you. At least she is not suffering.

    Take care



  9. What a full life she had, a full and loved one too...never easy...but the kindest thing we can ever do, not let them suffer, just let them go.xx

  10. I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. It's so hard when we must say good-bye to our beloved kitties. Hugging you from here.

  11. Thank you all so much. Simon - I am sorry to have evoked memories of your Nooshie. It is never easy when it is their time. I am, in a way, glad it has happened as I have been dreading it all year.

  12. What a wonderful life she had with you. I am so sorry for you.
    I just lost Watson and we are still griving. Especially thehamish who is lost without him.
    Sending you a hug.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. Parsnip - oh I am so sorry to read this. Hamish must be bewildered. Hugss from me to you too. We love them so much and it hurts when they have to go.

  14. So sorry to hear the sad news about Lucy especially with the link to your mum. Such a sad time to lose a pet when they become such a part of the family.

  15. Thanks RRobin. Her place on my lap was instantly filled by Ghengis, and he loves me SO much (grateful I dare say, for me taking him in). It's just as well we have other cats, but I can deal with death through old age better than from sudden illness in a younger cat.
