

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Rainy day pictures and books

The weather seems set to be rainy all week.  I had to go out and deliver a birthday card to my blogging friend Dawn this morning, of Doing It For Ourselves in Wales, so I took some photos on the way.

Here is part of her smallholding, looking very neat and well-tended.

Larch changing colour in the Forest . . .

On the way back down our valley, the little waterfall was back in business.   Back in the summer it had dried to a trickle back in the summer as, despite it being cool and miserable, we really didn't have a lot of rain (until August that is!)

It was hurling itself down the steep hillside, and creating so much energy, and so many bubbles, and I couldn't resist a few photos.

This is the steep hillside it hurtles down.  It looks very gloomy on such a dull overcast day as this but back in the summer it is a mass of Foxgloves.

This is the lane ahead just past the waterfall.  I used to ride along here, but that seems so long ago now.

I mentioned books the other day.  This is bedtime reading - the one on the left just finished (and recommended if you haven't already read it) and the Devil's workshop is one of those can't put down books, set in Victorian London at the time of Jack the Ripper . . .

Above and below, last week's library books (to which my current bedtime reading also belongs). Plenty to keep me going for a while.

Finally, Dawn loaned this to me last week, but as it is full of excellent sock patterns, I thought I had better buy my own copy, so I've just bought one on Fleabay.

Today is a catch-up day in this house, so I had better get back to some more catching-up!


  1. The socks on the model look lovely but I can't envisage turning that heel!
    Super photographs.

  2. It it is a lovely and wild looking part of the the bubbling waterfall.

  3. There is something magical about waterfalls, love them, it was lovely to see you this morning, you have a couple of interesting books there :-)

  4. Wet and grey here, too, in a Eastern US. Off to the training barn after lunch to see how my mare is and then on to the nearby yarn shop to see a friend who is there learning how to use her loom! Working on a quilt and wrapping Christmas gifts as I buy them, as we are in the UK for Christmas this year and all has to be given out before we left....
    Scenery is beautiful..I never tire of looking at it....a day in the city is about all I can stand once a year, but I will take the countryside every dy!

  5. Gorgeous photos - I can almost hear that waterfall! Thanks for sharing the books - you have given me some ideas - off to check Kindle prices (if available) - am desperately trying to find new fiction authors otherwise I shall be re-reading the Susan Howatch Starbridge series!!

  6. Homeguard book tick read it
    Winifred Foley book tick read it
    Fred archer book tick read it
    But GREAT EXCITEMENT on the Devils workshop and rushed straight over to library site to reserve a copy!
    Your photos are still tempting me to live in Wales but........

  7. Sue - I thought you'd have read some of those. The Alex Grecian books (I think there are 3 and this is the 2nd one I'm reading now) are unputdownable. You will enjoy them. Wales IS lovely BUT it is awful wet and any craft course I want to do is always 50 miles away or more . . . unless it's at the Botanic gardens and so basic I don't want to do it.

    R. Robin - It has a lot of character, that waterfall. Glad you liked the book titles. There are some lovely ones that Amazon keeps throwing up for me too, so I will have to jot those down and also put them on my Wish List. Two of them I have bought as gifts for a friend this Christmas.

    lynda - I hope your mare was fine and dandy today. I bet you loved watching your friend learn to use her loom. I have two small ones and really MUST get some lessons on them. I'm glad you enjoyed the scenery.

    Dawn - sometimes unplanned waterfalls turn up when we've had a lot of rain - a bit like the Winterbournes we used to get in the Dorset fields, but more upright!

    Simon - as I drove up our valley this morning, I thought how beautiful it was.

    Pat - stitch by stitch - at least this book has decent instructions!

  8. Beautiful photos once again.
    I saw your post with Farmhouse Fare so that is why I bought it. Don't you learn so much from blogging.
    You have some interesting books.
    Fondly Michelle

  9. Hi.. Just came across your blog through Michelle P.. Love it and now I am your new follower.. I look forward to getting to reading your posts..
