

Jennie's recipes

Friday 20 November 2015

Self reliance, sinks and sewing . . .

Here is a lovely new Belfast sink and taps, bought from Gumtree a couple of weeks ago.  It has been in the middle of my kitchen table ever since as it is so heavy my OH would have done himself a mischief if it were put on the ground.  We have been waiting to be here for a FULL day so that he could get the job started (always allowing for the fact that some bit or another might need replacing, which means a trip into town.)

Work in progress.  Old sink taken out (it had cracked - long story, but basically it should have had two washers but the "professional" plumber installing it had only used one and some tape . . .  OH tightened something underneath, and the sink cracked).  The taps leaked from needing new washers and also around the base so it was continuously needing mopping up around them.  I am not a nagger, but boy was I fed up with the situation . . .  We didn't have money to spare for a plumber, so OH set to work.

Installed, but just needs a length of wood pushed underneath the back of the sink to lift it.  That should happen today, but at least we had a working sink by close of play.

I have been nursing a VERY sore hip and back and - by default - knee.  I had to go to the Chiro in the end and he got me sorted out but the inflammation has taken a while to calm down and required Ibuprofen, which I don't normally take because I am asthmatic, but needs must.  I feel a lot more comfortable today.

Anyway, as a change from crochet projects, I blew the dust off this table runner which I started last autumn and it got put away.  I had to carry on with the rough basting of it and then the hand quilting, which, although far from perfect, I am happy enough with.

I am still backwards and forwards to the dentists' because my dental abscess is not responding to the anti-biotics.  Not too surprising, given that I was on them for so long so I am probably resistant to lower levels.

Hopefully I can get this resolved today.  Meanwhile, I have been carrying on with my stitching and thoroughly enjoying it, although looking at the stitches above, I can see some none-too-straight lines which I need to unpick and redo . . .

Have a good weekend everyone.

P.S.  Friday afternoon now and toof sorted - it is No More, as I went back this morning and we decided to remove it.  Came out with infection at roots, so it was the right one (could have been one of three in a row!!)  Onwards and upwards now, but I have to say it's a tad uncomfortable now the novocaine's worn off . . .


  1. I love your table runner, great news on the sink saga, not so great on the tooth, hope it comes right soon :-)

  2. Lovely sink, I always scour the local bargains x

  3. I do like the new sink and the table runner is lovely. Do hope the hip and back are better soon and you get the tooth sorted. I had a huge chunk of filling fall out yesterday (it cost £90 earlier this year :( so am hoping dental work is guaranteed!!).

  4. That sink is great and your kitchen looks lovely too. It must be wonderful to have a man who can turn his hand to that kind of thing. I do hope your tooth gets sorted soon. X

  5. Re plumbing projects: it seems no matter how many bits and pieces have been collected there has to be a trip made for another oddment! J. insists that when old plumbing is pulled apart there is always more to be reckoned with than anticipated. In the past few years we have found 'washerless' faucet [tap] assemblies that use ceramic disks in place of the once standard 'washers.'
    You and I may be at the same skill level with our hand quilting [?] not museum quality but decent enough, definitely better than 'utility stitch.' I've found I must go on without ripping out or I would never finish even a small piece.
    I hope your back is improving--its such a wearisome sort of pain.

  6. My family have a love of old sinks, reckon there are at least three in their garden, serving as flowerbeds

  7. Hope you'll feel better soon. I can thoroughly recommend Arnica homeopathic tablets (available in Boots and whole food stores) for reducing pain, bruising and swelling quickly (it works for me).
    Your sewing looks lovely. Please don't unpick, you want your quilt to look hand made, not perfect, like it came from a factory.

  8. Lovely table runner, we took a Belfast sink out of our kitchen, it was chipped, so now it's my mint garden.

  9. Marlene - glad you like it. I LOVE my new sink and better still new NON-LEAKING taps!

    Kath - thanks for the tip - I'll get some tomorrow. I have Arnica cream for bruises. Thank you for letting me off having wonky stitches - yup, it certainly WON'T look factory perfect!!! Part of the wonkeyness was from using an open-top easy-to-thread needle, but it was a bit clumsy so I'm back with a hard-to-thread quilting needle now.

    Simon - This will be my third one out there (one was g. granny's, brought down from Manchester). This will have bulbs in down on the patio that was mum's little garden when she was alive.

    Sharon - the back pain has worn off now, to be replaced with a sore face, but even that isn't too bad, considering the gaping hole a molar leaves! I love doing the quilting, and that's what counts with me. I take more care with a present for someone rather than this which is for me.

    Jules - my husband is very practical, and especially good with making things from wood, or mending them. He has saved us a fortune down the years. A long view of the kitchen is better as you can see the inglenook and beams.

    R. Robin - oh no ref. your lost filling. I think paying for it is as painful as having it done. My extraction today was FREE! Poor boy, he really didn't know what to do for the best as it could have been one of 3 teefs!!

    SL - I'm a convert to Gumtree as I can find local things more easily than on Fleabay.

    Dawn - a bit more done on the runner today, but tbh, just sat and watched the goggle box mostly as not feeling up to scratch. The runner should look nice when finally completed. There's more work there than I anticipated.

  10. Oh dear BB, it does sound as though on the whole this week has not been a relaxing one for you.

  11. Pat - definitely not. Let's hope next week is on a more even keel.

  12. I have a large sink too. They are the best.
    Hope next week is so much better for you.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. Chin up and I hope everything gets better xxx
