

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Treatments and a Wet Wednesday

I have awarded myself the rest of the afternoon off.  I had an appointment with the Chiro first thing. It was the first time I've needed to go since 2009, so not bad going, but my hip has been getting more and more and more painful by the day and it had got well past the stage of being walked-off, which I managed to do last week.  Anyway, I've been sorted now I hope, but everything is still VERY sore. Still, the good news is my hips will see me out - they're good for another 40 years he reckons!  and I no longer have one leg slightly longer than the other . . .

Then it has just been a return trip to the Dentist for more/different antibiotics.  I've not had these before and am hoping I don't get any of the nastier side effects which can accompany them.  I also asked them to refer me to the Hospital for the operation to remove this little bit of broken tooth root from 30 or more years ago, which has been sat there quite happily up until this week.  He seemed nonplussed that I didn't immediately book myself in privately with him to remove it for . . . £500!  I said, if it all calms down completely again I can always cancel my appointment, since he told me I would be waiting 6 months.  That gives me plenty of time to find out if the a-b's have worked, right?

As the kitchen table still has a large Belfast sink plonked in the centre of it (waiting for my OH to have a full day at home to replace the old one with this new one), I can't do any machine sewing, so I will spend a little while with my crochet on the sofa, getting up to loosen my back every now and then.

Despite last night's terrific gales, my newly-tied-down polytunnel hasn't gone travelling.  The weather has died down now, still quite windy but nothing like last night, when gales of 79 mph were recorded down on the coast at Pembrey.  It has been raining quite hard on and off, but dry now as I look out of the window.

Keep safe everyone.


  1. you should get on a NHS dentist, you wouldnt have to wait 6 months, glad to hear your hip is sorted and the poly tunnel didnt go for trip down the valley, it was a wild night :-)

  2. I've found that after a chiropractic appointment I need to be kind to myself--adjusting to the 'adjustment!'
    My favorite way of resting is a retreat to my rocking chair with a good book--getting up to stretch and make tea.
    I'm so pleased to have added your word 'hooley' to my personal lexicon.
    I think our day of dark skies, lashing tree branches and periodic downpours might qualify as a hooely!
    That is too funny having a large sink in the middle of the table--the sort of thing J. would do and expect me to work around it until he was quite ready to install the thing.

  3. Dawn - this IS with an NHS dentist!!! He seems to think he can persuade me to the dark side - at £500 I don't think so!!

    Sharon - I'm glad my home seems like your home right now. I am trying to be kind to my back, but don't have a rocking chair and every other damnty chair HURTS! Your weather definitely qualifies for the term of "hooley". . .

  4. Fingers crossed, spit and turn round thee times, my aches and pains have gone West. I am not walking as much as usual because Ben hates the rain now, he never used to bother about it. Shopping today and then more sewing later. Still lashing down with rain here although the wind has dropped slightly.

  5. Pam - I planned a walk today but it has been raining heavily ever since I got up at 6 a.m. to take my a-b's. The only place I'm comfy is the car, which has a very supportive seat. I can see me sitting out there with my crochet . . .

  6. One of the very few good things about being deaf is that once my hearing aid is out I really can't hear the wind when I lay in bed.

  7. £500, what a nice round sum, sometimes, just sometimes, I think we should question the 'private' fees of dentists, etc.
    Hope the wretched toothache settles down and your hips keeps on improving.
