

Jennie's recipes

Monday 16 November 2015

The West Wales bloggers meet up - the full event and crafting chitchat

On the way to Newcastle Emlyn yesterday with Dawn, for a planned meet up of West Wales bloggers.

The bloggers of West Wales had a WONDERFUL meet up yesterday, and started off sat around the wood burner in No. 11 cafe, where beverages and toasted tea cakes were eaten, and the hind legs off several donkeys accounted for with all our chat.  We all craft, so you can imagine the main topic of conversation. Maria, Pam and Dawn all had gifts to hand out - shamefacedly, I didn't!  Next time I shall smuggle in Baked Goods . . .  So I am wonderfully spoilt with some perfume (Pam's friend was having a clear out), a basket making kit (yay!) and some delicious little cup cake pegs - I think card making will have to be tried now!  Thank you all so much.

Then we went to the patchwork shop, Cross Patch which had SO many tempting things.  I was quite overwhelmed with all the kits and loveliness on offer.  I was like a kid in a toyshop!

Isn't that just an absolutely DIVINE applique quilt?  I love the colourings, and would love to make something like this for our bed.  Dream on Jen, always full of big ideas, and never enough time for them!

There were wonderful displays everywhere.  When I got to the fat quarters, it was so hard to just buy a couple and then choose ones from a particular palette - photos of mine at the bottom of this post.

All sorts of wonderful patchwork items to tempt you to buy patterns and fabric.  I rather like this little cushion with the embroidered centre.  That looks so pretty.

Another pretty applique cushion over a doorway.

A sneaky photo of Dawn, Maria and Pam deciding what to buy next!!

I bought the charm pack to go with this lovely table runner/hanging.  There are little meeces on many of the prints and it is delightful.  I am having to sit on my hands to stop myself from getting stuck in straight away, as I need to finish works in progress first!

Another lovely big colourful quilt, away from the traditional designs.  Not one I would make as the cups and mugs didn't really appeal, although of course you could just put something else there.

 I am currently nursing a dental abscess and praying that the a-b's I've just been given by my dentist work and I don't need to go private to have a tiny bit of very ancient tooth root surgically removed - £500 worth of surgically removed as apparently this wouldn't get done inside of 6 mths on the NHS!!!

Meanwhile, my goodies from yesterday.

As this was wrapped, I could only guess that the rest of the contents were as pretty as the top.  Little meeces everywhere, so delightful.  My fingers are twitching over this pack . . .

A plan for the future, but I have several other quilts to finish/planned first.

I couldn't resist these two prints - such warm colours.

This little book was good value at £7.99 and lots of goodies in it.

I used to follow Pioneer Woman's blog years ago, and when Dawn showed me she had several books of hers, I had a little Amazon moment last week and bought this one.  Another title is on my Christmas list . . .

Lastly, whilst we're on the subject of crafts, a full set of crochet hooks which I bought recently from Ebay.  In a case, so I don't lose them too easily.  One is currently in use . . .

One last poto from the journey home.  A late foal (spotty one) up on Llanllwni Mountain.  I thought I'd got him sideways on, but he moved round.

If you want to see a photo of me, go to Dawn's or Pam's blogs (I've put links behind their names above).


  1. I have that Pioneer Woman book. The Calzone are fab.

  2. Hi Louise. We said we wished you were with us too, and how we will have to try and arrange something close to you so you can get to it. Will try the Calzone!

  3. Great photos of the day, yes we will arrange things better for Louise next time, perhaps a sea side trip :-)

  4. Well that looked like a lovely day out, fabulous patchwork shop, how did you all not buy everything in sight? Brilliant idea have a 'blogger's meet'....

  5. Well that looked like a lovely day out, fabulous patchwork shop, how did you all not buy everything in sight? Brilliant idea have a 'blogger's meet'....

  6. I think it looks as if A Good Time was had by all in the cafe and craft shop and lovely to see you all for real on the photos.

  7. Ah so that was you in the photo on Dawn's blog! I smiled at your enthusiasm for the stuff in the quilting shop. I now have a severe shake in my sewing hand so that I find it impossible to sew. But in my quilting days friends and I used to sped hours looking at (and buying!) material - it becomes compulsive.

  8. Dawn - a seaside trip sounds good and it will be lovely to meet Louise too.

    thelma - I had to sit on my hands at one point. Whilst the book with Christmas things in was only £7.99, the Baltimore quilt style pattern was £11.20. One of those was my lot!!

    Sue - absolutely. We can't wait for the next one.

    Pat - I was the one in the Foxglove-coloured jacket. What a shame you can't sew now. I can, but am far better by hand than on a machine!

  9. Ha! Much bluer skies than today, he says, listening to the windows rattle violently

  10. Ah, no blue here today. One HECK of a hooley blowing last night, and just total greyout here today Simon.

  11. It was a glorious day, I am going to keep my fingers busy and make room for a visit to Crosspatch in the new year. I do hope that we can arrange a meeting to include Louise.

  12. That would be lovely Pam (meeting up with Louise). I would like a return visit to Crosspatch too, and am working on my OH to double it up with a wander round the antiques places.

  13. Lots of lovely fabric and even more pretty projects. I fancy making one of those applique and patchwork quilts, with lots of different techniques and random blocks.
