

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 7 November 2015

What a difference a day makes (well, two, to be precise)

If you look at my header photo, you will see what our beautiful River Cothi looked like 2 days ago.  I said it changed when we had rain - and yes, we have had rain.  It got like it is above literally overnight.  Compare with a photo below taken on 29th October.  Quite a difference, as it was like it was below just yesterday.

Once the river spreads over the rocks, it gets very wild and choppy indeed.

Here it is viewed from the bridge.  It has dropped about a foot since we drove across at lunchtime. Our neighbour will be keeping an eye on river levels I'm sure . . .

The speed of the water has to be seen to be believed.  If you fell in you'd be half way to Carmarthen with the clothes ripped off you before you realized what had happened.

More rocks to buck over.

The rocks I stood on the other day to take the header photograph are now under several feed of water.

This gully is just below the level of the road and cut into the bank by anglers  in the past, so they could more easily access a rock platform.  This, along with the drains along the lane, facilitate the transfer of water onto the lane and it is regularly closed over a wet winter.

Meanwhile I have finished three books in the last couple of days (details tomorrow) along with the Travelling Library arriving on Thursday with a good selection on board, so I am not short of reading matter.  What are you all reading at the moment?


  1. At least it isn't a Boscatle scenario!

  2. It's quite scary realising how fast things can change like this. Fantastic shots x

  3. Will be up to browsing Your blog.I hope You stay safe and well with the rising of the beautiful but daring river.I'm now Your newest follower, all the way from Southern Calif.USA. Please do come by soon for a visit and a cup of Your favorite to keep You warm during a chat.-Blessings Denise

  4. Will be up to browsing Your blog.I hope You stay safe and well with the rising of the beautiful but daring river.I'm now Your newest follower, all the way from Southern Calif.USA. Please do come by soon for a visit and a cup of Your favorite to keep You warm during a chat.-Blessings Denise

  5. I remember your river, crossing the bridge with trees bobbing in the water as it hurled down. Did you get my email I sent with Bucky's travelogue by the way?

  6. I remember your river, crossing the bridge with trees bobbing in the water as it hurled down. Did you get my email I sent with Bucky's travelogue by the way?

  7. Great photos capturing that swirling mass of water!

    Look forward to hearing about the books you've just finished reading. Here I've just finished/started 2 books that have been in my huge pile of books to read for years and years! The one finished is "Red Queen" by Margaret Drabble - first part I found too long and rambling (included a gruesome murder) but I did enjoy the second part of the book. Have just started the "Blind Assassin" by Margaret Atwood - looks a trifle long but improving now I am getting into it!

    Usually also have a couple of non-fiction books on the go too and am reading "Medieval Graffiti" by Matthew Champion which is fascinating if you love old churches and "The Green Road Into the Trees" by Hugh Thomson - another good book if you like history :)

    1. Thanks for the recommendation of the The Green Road Into The Trees- have just ordered it. Sounds lovely :o)

  8. Great photos- that is one swollen river. I know from experience how Welsh rivers can rise and take over. Powerful things to be respected.

  9. Evening everyone.

    CT - coming home tonight, because it stopped raining overnight, it has dropped about 3 foot or so, but we have had heavy rain today so more is probably coming down-river from the mountains. When we had a REALLY bad spate, and it was up across the lane, some silly woman in a 4x4 thought she was God and tried to drive through it. When the river took her big 4x4 and spun it round, she managed to leap out onto the nearby bank but her car was soon sailing towards Carmarthen! A lucky escape.

    R. Robin - I love to hear what other people are reading and enjoying. I've just looked up the Hugh Thomson book and will ask for it for Christmas (though I had a narrow escape from the One Click button!! Medieval Graffiti sounds right up my street too . . . I might treat my husband to that one so I can read it too!

    Thelma - my dear, I am sorry I haven't replied yet - we have had a hectic couple of days, so Yes, I have got your email, and I will reply shortly. MANY thanks. I didn't realize our river was a bit . . . busy . . . when you have visited.

    Denise - hello and welcome. Always good to get new followers. I hope you enjoy my posts and scenery. Will pop over and say hello shortly.

    Rachel - it can rise and drop 4 feet SO quickly. When it is as wet as this, we have to make sure we can still get through - there's a deceptive dip in the bottom lane and people get taken unawares.

    Simon - no, not a Boscastle scenario, but the year before we arrived here (so 28 years ago now) there was one of those once-in-a-lifetime floods and trees jammed the bridge and the river came over the top and the cottage and bungalow beside it had 4 foot of water inside them.

  10. Reading When Women Were Warriors, a free I-book; interesting and can be read without much thought being exerted--I need that in my reading right now-life's requiring thought !~! I'm sewing potholders and hot plate trivets for the Fall Festival at which I hope to sell same. Keeps me busy and allows for little reading time. Couldn't miss your river post tho-I love water photos, videos, -falls and all that wet stuff. Thanks for the superb pics.

    The woman who jumped from her 4x4 as it sailed down the river certainly showed some good sense. Heart-pounding story tho. I wonder if I'd have the presence of mind to know what to do in an emergency like that. Altho I do know Not to Cross Water I cannot see the bottom of, hopefully that will help keep us safe. I'm glad she made it out all right.

    Happy November, BB.

    Your river astounds and delights.

  11. I love a wild river photo, but I wouldn't like to be your neighbour with a garden so close, I'd be constantly watching the water rise!!! I have a new blog about wild walks, maybe I should come and visit you, for research purposes, of course ;)
