

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 8 December 2015

A knickers-on-inside-out sort of day . . .

We've all been there - slept badly, got up too early, wanted to go back to bed but when you do, sleep evades you.  Yup, that was my sort of day today.  I had just gone back to bed when our eldest daughter phoned, on the way to the train station (a meeting in London, which did little to encourage my nerves to relax), and as my husband obviously couldn't hear it, I had to throw back the bedclothes, grab my dressing gown and hurtle along the landing in a state of undress which is not at all seemly in someone my age and shape!

We talked and talked, because she's feeling stressed and worried at the moment and when I finally returned to a hot bed (having had the presence of mind to switch the electric blanket up to 3 as I was galloping past the end of the bed), I had freezing cold feet and they never warmed up, I never got back to sleep again, and after 20 minutes or so I gave up trying and got dressed again (in the dark still as the heavy curtains were still pulled).  This is where the knickers-inside-out part came to pass.  Ah well, it is meant to be unlucky to notice and change them before midday (WHERE did I get THAT gem from I wonder?  School days I suspect.)

Anyway, my guilty conscience soon had me wrapping up presents, printing off Amazon gift vouchers from the internet, and sealing up parcels to send (MUST book the My Hermes ones in a minute).  I took a couple of parcels to the PO to post and ticked off the card list.  What slows me down is writing the little catch-up notes for more distant friends or relatives who we are only in touch with at Christmas.

I managed a little bit more of my x-stitch pattern, and have nearly finished the lighter green Mistletoe leaves, then it will just be the Merry Christmas underneath to stitch, and to sew it up into a tree hanging. The colours aren't true in this photo, but you get the general idea.  I'm going to do a couple of little house ones next.

I have also spent a couple of hours this afternoon photographing and describing some stuff to go on Fleabay.  One item in particular had to have proper research done to validate its military connection. That was the fun part of the day.

No meat for tea, although I will be having fish, and I have frozen the pile of vegetable fritters I made last night and will have them again with a spicy chilli tomato sauce to give them some flavour.

How has your day been?  I hope you achieved what you set out to.  I had a new Phil Rickman book arrive (well, a novella, which means I could read it very quickly and am tempted) so I'll read the first few pages of that after tea.


  1. First of all BB, I love your header - that lane looks so inviting and makes one wonder just what is round the corner. Perhaps you next header could show us exactly that. What has my day been like - well not how I organised it should be, but at least I have got all my cards addressed and stamped to post, all cards and parcels to be sent abroad posted and lunch cooked, so not a bad day on the whole.

  2. Yes, I can definitely show the next bit Pat. If I remember rightly it's the bit with a very low wall where the valley side drops very precipitously and my daughter Tam was always worried that her (slightly mad at times) mare would end up over the wall when we were passing it!

    Glad you had a stab at organisation - sounds like you have done pretty well. I am getting there - just need to run off a few round robins to aged aunties and the like.

  3. My clothes are on right side to, but I drove to the Post Office with Christmas packages to send off and realized, as I turned in there, that my purse was at home on the hutch. Thankfully, it is only a 10 minute drive. BTW: I do not like my day to begin with a phone call!

  4. Sharon - glad you went out "dressed decent"! Oops about the purse - it's always my shopping list that gets left behind on the kitchen table. At least you weren't too far away when you had to return. As for starting the day with a phone call - not good, but in Tam's defence, it was about 9.15 when she phoned - but I had been up since 5 ish . . .

  5. Yes knickers on inside out is a regular even more so when you get dressed in the dark,its worse when you try to fit your bum through the leg hole or get them on back to front a very uncomfortable start to the day, I have the urge to do some hand stitching but will wait until my list is ticked off, I am waiting for a new book to arrive it will be my christmas day reading :-)

  6. Oh gosh, I have books stacking up AND at least two more for Christmas Day (Edward Thomas biography and a new one by my favourite author Robert McFarlane - I know I've got them as I bought them!) I must read your books a.s.a.p. and get them back to you. Knickers on sideways is 10 times worse. A friend of mine once managed this (with a thong too!) and didn't discover until extremely uncomfortable when riding her horse. She managed to find a way of ripping a seam whilst still on board her horse so somewhere in the depths of the countryside a destroyed thong decorates the landscape!

    1. I'm laughing and laughing as I've had knickers on sideways angst too!! Bloody knickers! If it wasn't so chilly I'd be going commando!!!

    2. Definitely a bit cool for going commando at the moment Rachel!

  7. Oh BB the title made my sides ache with laughing !!! I used to do shift work and often dressed inside out while trying to dress in the dark without waking the household and needless to say had similar wardrobe malfunctions !!! Hope you catch up on your rest, so wonderful to see you the other day, DH said what was the odds of that? Little elf magic I replied! Xxx

  8. I'm not laughing, honest!
    My day didn't go as planned; I had intended doing some Christmas gift shopping in the nearest town, but my dog is off-colour and I daren't leave him - he kept asking to go out every 20 minutes or so. We've had a couple of days and nights like this, so we have a vet appointment for tomorrow. I suspect he will be on cooked chicken and rice for a few days.

  9. Maria - glad I made you laugh. Wardrobe malfunctions at work not so good - at least mine was invisible. Strange how we should suddenly both be in the same place at the same time. Happenchance . . . or elf magic!

    Rambler - Sorry your dog is poorly, and hope he gets well soon. Perhaps he has eaten something wicked which was probably left well alone!
