

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Needing a few more hours in the day

At the moment, life seems filled with "things to do" - and all these "things" seem to have my name on them.  I am sleeping erratically as if I wake in the night, these mental lists keep re-writing themselves and gibbering in my ear until I drag myself out of bed, feeling wrung-out but with sleep evading me as the lists perform figures of eight in my head.

I will feel better when I have finally got all the Christmas cards and parcels posted.  I think.  I hate having jobs waiting in the wings too, and there is a beautiful little Arts and Crafts ladderback chair sat in the hall, awaiting completion of re-rushing the seat.  Whilst the Gothic table was behind it, it was easily overlooked, but now I have no hiding place and hope to get on with it this morning.

As the back is narrower than the front and side struts, I started putting the seagrass corners in a month or so ago, to balance the front and the back before replacing the seat in seagrass.    Here it is in its completely stripped stage.  I'll show you an "after" photo when it is done.

Here's another project, a little 1930s child's deck chair.  I have the material.  I have taken the rotten canvas off.  It's now lurking in the Junk Room  . . .  It's a summer type thing to sell though, so no great rush with this (that's procrastination talking again I think!)

When we were in town yesterday, I bumped into Maria (Dotty's Daughter) and her husband.  It was lovely to see her and be able to say a proper thankyou for the lovely chart booklets she sent me.

Sorry for such a boring post, but no recent outside photos due to the persistance of the rain (though nothing like they have suffered in Cumbria and up North, poor souls.  No cake baking either, though I hope to get some stuff done for the Christmas freezer this week.

Anyway, I am away back to my bed for half an hour as my brain is on a go slow from lack of sleep.

Oh, I CAN do a photo of part of our stand at a recent Militaria Fair.   Don't get too excited though!


  1. I get very guilty around Xmas, its a heavy burden! Burn those lists and promise next year not to send out cards ;)

  2. Love the ships wheel great piece, dont fret over christmas what you dont get done will wait to next year when it all happens again :-)
