

Jennie's recipes

Monday 30 May 2016

Here comes the sun (di-di-de-da)

Happy days.  Another Malvern Trip with a 3.30 a.m. start . . .

Pretty china and glass on a stall inside the Avon Hall.

A stand opposite specialized in older soft toys.

A blast from the past.  A superb Victorian epergne (table centrepiece) but SO passe these days.  The colour was purple and lilac (the sun on it hasn't helped the colour in the photo) which is unusual, as they are usually in craberry glass.  As we passed again later in the day, the stall holder was wrapping it up for two delighted ladies, so it DID sell.

Some bantam-egg sized beads!  You'd know you were wearing these . . .

Above and below: some interesting and very rural things from East German barns arrive regularly at Malvern, Ardingly and the other big Antiques Fairs/Fleamarkets.

A very basic home-made hay cart.  I couldn't see us getting THIS up the stairs at the Unit!!

A rather prosaic selection on another stall . . .  There were a lot of stalls like this, which we moved swiftly past!

Pretty glass elsewhere on the site.  As it was a Bank Holiday the world and his wife had come to sell (and of course BUY!) there.  It took us over 5 hours to get round - many years of car boot sales have given us a good eye for assessing which stalls were interesting for us, and which were NOT!

On the way home, we stopped to change drivers (it is such a long and tiring day) by the Brecon turn off at Willersley.  As you can see, Cats' Cottage is undergoing some serious renovation (and not a moment too soon!)

So, all over for another day and I can't wait for the next one in a month's time.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Oneby, twoby, threeby . . . TENBY!!

A brisk gallop through the remaining photos which have been held up as I was unwell with that Galloping Tummy . . . .  Anyway, here some cheerful and gorgeous yellow Vetch which grows in profusion on the rocks and cliffs.

At the base of the island a very geometric slab of rock has fallen out sometime in the past, giving a little keyhole view.

View of the island from the Bandstand.

Alexanders in their full glory.

Above and below: boats were chugging round the bays.  The one above was taking a couple across to Caldey Island (which I've always wanted to visit).

Pellitory of the Wall.  I think . . .

Rock Pigeons in their proper cliff top environment.

As you can see, wild flowers have gotten a hold in every nook and cranny.

Tenby was very well-protected in the past - these cannon are surrounding the promontery.

Isn't this sublime?  Just EXACTLY the right blue too.  Holiday home I would assume.

The view from the top.

Wild flowers again - mostly Ivy-Leaved Toadflax which loves warm walls.

Tame Foxgloves in a tub up in the town.

There used to be carriage rides around the town and this old stable was where the horse came to have his lunch-break.  They don't appear to be doing them any more.

A lovely view through the alleyway to the Tudor Merchant's House and the bookshop you can no longer get through the door to explore inside as the owner's OCDness about books has piled too many too far out across the floor!

Finally, if I had to do town living, this is what I would go for.  I could even cope with a courtyard garden (I would have so much colour in here).  Isn't it lovely?

Thursday 26 May 2016

Part 2 WILL follow, honest

Sorry, I have got a tummy bug (I'm surprised you can't hear the gurgles and . . . other noises!)  I've managed a bit of gardening today, but only after I went back to bed for a while.

Hoping that things will be back on a more even keel tomorrow (and losing a couple of pounds weightwise wouldn't go amiss!!)

Our river, looking upstream, this morning.  I got my husband to stop the car (going into town) so I could take a few photos.  Doesn't it look beautiful?

Tuesday 24 May 2016

A Stroll Around Tenby - part 1

This will be light on words again as we have a sunny day and I really must get back out to the garden and get my runner beans in, amongst all the tidying and weeding.  Yesterday we had a day off and had lunch in Narberth, then on to the seaside at Tenby.

First glimpse of the sea, down a side street.

To our backs was the main church in the town, St Mary's.

Another side road - this had been empty for a second whilst I pressed the shutter.  In that second, someone came around the corner and another man came out of his house!

Looking across the bay towards Rhossili Downs and Worms Head on the Gower.

Looking the other way, Caldey Island.

St Catherine's Island, which was a Zoo at some point in its history.  We were too mean to pay to go and explore!

Some of the beautiful Regency houses overlooking the sea.  You would need deep pockets to buy one of these!  Unsurprisingly, they are well-tiled to keep out the weather.

Wildlife . . .  I was about 3 feet away from him and he not the least bit bothered!

A similar thing has occurred here as at Llansteffan, with a sort of Lagoon scenario going on.  I'm not sure if the Council has been at work or whether that big surge we had a couple of years back was responsible.  It ripped all the dunes out at Pembrey, so may have done similarly here.

Tree Mallow and Thrift making the most of the warm rocks and sheltered spot.

Now THAT'S what you call a garden wall!!

An inviting set of steps lead up to a door into a private garden.

Wild flowers have got a good hold in the stonework, keeping their faces to the sun.

More tomorrow.