

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Time for something personal

Thank you all so much for your support and comments about the blog.  I shall carry on as ever, and try and portray my life as it is lived, with and without cake photos . . .  I am having to rest at the moment as I have managed to get a chest infection again, and after an afternoon in the emergency appointment corrall at the Doctors', now have Gel for Oral Thrush (due to doubling my steroid inhaler as per instructions), a short course of steroids (hopefully my diet won't be totally trashed) and a short course of antibiotics.  Fortunately I have an enormous pile of sewing and books to keep me occupied.

On another note, as I wrote yesterday, I don't like to write about family or personal things, but you will have read about my best friend (for the past 59 years) Tricia, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer a couple of years ago.  She has struggled on with the help of Chemo (although that in itself has probably wreaked more damage than the cancer).  She had to go into hospital late last week, and things have taken a turn for the worse, and she has been on a life support machine.  As you can imagine, her family are in pieces, and I am dreading picking up the phone when it rings.  Your support and friendship will certainly help carry me through what lies ahead.  You don't know how much I am glad to have you as blogging friends.


  1. Hugs BB and my thoughts are with you and your friend Tricia and her loved ones. Just take it steady. Have you tried Kefir and/or Cider vinegar and honey in the mornings. Something my Dad always used to do and it helped him. The professionals are coming around to the fact that there may well be something in this especially in supporting Immune systems which the experts don't really understand how it works - just a thought. I am of the view that if something works for you then that is all that matters. Major hugs BB xx

  2. I missed your post previously about blogging. Our internet connection is also slow. I think you just do what you can and what you want to do. Am so sorry to read about your friend. Will be thinking of you x

  3. Cancer is a b****r that's for sure.
    Hope you get over the infection very quickly and back to normal. Best wishes and positive vibes to you for getting through what is ahead

  4. Get well soon. So sorry about your friend.x

  5. So very difficult for you to face the loss of a friend.
    Arilx aka Sarah

  6. Thank you all. I've heard nothing more today so don't know the state of play.

    Pattypan - I haven't tried Kefir but had a horrible experience with Yakult once - fermented milk or whatever doesn't seem to agree with my tummy. Thank you for the suggestion though. And the hugs . . .

  7. Sorry that your friend has taken a turn for the worse.

    I hope your oral thrush clears up very soon. That stuff is so icky and uncomfortable. I use a spacer on my inhaler to help prevent it. Did your Doctor recommend probiotics or yogurt to help your digestive system when taking antibiotics and oral steroids together? Probiotics may help protect the balance of good flora and fauna in your digestive tract. My asthma doctor (allergist) recommends probiotic capsules when I have had to take antibiotics and oral steroids together.

    I hope you will be feeling better soon. Take care.

    1. I've got a spacer too - something the size and shape of a rugby ball! I've just had probiotic yoghurt on my muesli for brekkers. Off to take the handful of steroids now and PRAYING that I don't get so hungry I am eyeing up the wallpaper . . .

  8. Please know we support you, it's hard to watch someone's life slip away, for the grace of god it can happen to anyone, cancer is a terrible blight on everyone it touches, including family and friends. After my scare in 2010, I completely understand where you are.

  9. Oh BB, it's awful to go through sad times x sending some bloggy love your way x

  10. It never rains but it pours, I hope that you recover quickly (but still have a chance to enjoy the books and some sewing). I lost a dear friend last week and it does tend to pull you up short. Hugs xx

  11. Marlene, Rachel and Pam - he's not been in touch yet which means one of two things, she has slipped away and he;s in pieces, or she is still hanging on in there. I will have to phone him, which is not something I'm looking forward to doing.

  12. Be strong BB - you will be needed afterwards to give moral support.

  13. That's the hardest part Pat. Holding it together when I go down to see her next month.

  14. So sorry to hear about your friend. Thinking of you. xx
