

Jennie's recipes

Monday 14 November 2016

Time to pull the plug?

A wet and cloudy evening here, so no chance of a glimpse of the super moon, which is a great pity after we have had clear moonlit nights leading up to it.

In recent weeks I have been thinking whether or not I should continue with this blog.  I don't care to share lots of family details on here, which makes for a plain and simple reporting of what I do.  Loading photos on rural broadband takes forever some days, but I don't like blog writing without the illustrations.   I try and include lots of countryside photos, but I guess after a while everyone knows the area I live in and it becomes plain repetitive and there is a limit to what I can write about the scenery.    

When I write about something which really interests me I don't get any response.  If I write about sewing or recipes I do, but I am more than the sum of my domestic attributes.  I'm not a political animal, although there is plenty I could write on recent political happenings.  

I often get inspiration for writing this blog as I would LIKE to write it when I am out and about, but short of recording it somehow, the words are all gone by the time I get back home, and there have been a lot of calls on my time this summer, since I have tried to really make a go of my little antiques business.

Perhaps it is time to take a blogging break, and debate whether I call it a day sometime in the New Year.  I will still follow friends' blogs, but perhaps it is time for a rethink on mine.


  1. I think you have to question your reasons for writing it BB. I used to feel like you sometimes, but my reasons are strong enough to keep me going. I am not terribly mobile (although much better than I was this time last year having lost a stone in weight, thus helping my arthritic ankle a lot) and I love writing. I write a post almost every day and - more importantly - I read and comment on the blogs I like every day too. On the whole that ensures that the same people read and comment on mine, so that over the years I have developed a whole circle of 'virtual friends' - and I love this idea. We all have our reasons for blogging and I fear it will die out as there are no young bloggers - they seem to use other methods like Twitter, Face Book etc. But while it is here so shall I be - it keeps my old mind going strong. Good luck in making the right decision.

  2. Sorry not to comment more, I know it's hard to write when you feel you may be sending your words into the void, but I would miss reading your blog and enjoying your photos.

  3. Same here BB, we know you are more than just cooking and domestic duties. I would miss you would not be the same without you and your beautiful pictures about the countryside. If your thoughts come whilst you are out and about why not buy a cheap Dictaphone/recording machine to put your ideas rather than lose them completely. It could be a positive aide memoire. I understand your frustration with the country internet - my signal is a bit up and down here in town and sometimes I just cannot load anything and that is in town. When the muse goes it is possibly time for a break but to loose Codlins and Cream that would be a loss in the bigger scheme of things. I hope it does not come to that. You will make the right decision for you at the end of the day and whatever it is I hope you keep in touch. Take care sweetheart. Pattypan xx

  4. Oh dear, you must do what yo feel is right, I have thought a few times this year of closing mine still in too minds.

  5. Oh Bovey, I have never commented but I've been reading your blog for about a year. I love your illustrated walks and seeing your beautiful Welsh countryside. I also love the antiques and collectibles you show, especially the textiles and wood and think you have an excellent eye. But you must do what you want. After an enthusiastic start I only blog a couple of times a month - as life is just too short and busy to document everything. I almost forgot about your love of poetry - I would miss that too.

  6. Your photos are stunning, you have some fantastic walks around your location. You do have to review why you do your blog and what you want from it. I use mine as my records of my crafting. If you feel unsure look at your followers 171 people who like your style, but only you can decide it has to be a joy for you.

  7. Sometimes mothballing it works as it gives you the space and time to see if you miss it. It's easy to become stale. I read through some of my old posts and then rejigged the layout and returned to my original style of writing and eclectic content. I decided that in the end I blog for me. I do enjoy your content. Arilx

  8. Well I would miss you that's for sure, your photos and the things you find to sell and book news and poetry.
    Taking a break usually works for me sometimes just a few days and then I think "I want to write about that" and off I go again.

  9. You take wonderful photos BB which I really enjoy seeing but you must make the choice which is right for you. I enjoy my blog as it is a real record of the things we have done since we moved here. I don't have the time or the inclination sometimes but a little break CAN help sometimes. X

  10. Thank you all. I think I was just beginning to wonder if I was being too repetitive! I love doing the photography (even my husband sees a good view now and asks if he should stop the car), but I do get frustrated that the things I really want to say get lost "at the time" and I can't share them with you. I certainly couldn't leave blogland, as I have so many wonderful friends here (some of us have even met and get on like a house on fire), so thank you for the encouragement. I think I need to give myself a gentle kick up the pants and take paper and pen with me on my walks - although pattypan's idea of recording as I walk round sounds a possibility too.

    Oh and Dawn, don't you DARE stop blogging - you are such an inspiration to me (and many others I am certain).

    1. BB, I thought EXACTLY the same thing but didn't want to highjack your musings! (Keep on keeping on Dawn.)

  11. I would greatly miss your blog! I've noted that many of us have been lured onto Face Book--which surely has its uses, but seems to short circuit the carefully crafted posts that we have produced in the past.
    I have ideas I want to write about and share--somehow lately when I sit down to do that, a sleepy fog takes over and the words don't get sorted.
    The patterns of our days and seasons change subtly, for a number of reasons--and there are surely concerns and happenings which we don't wish to share to a wider audience than known friends.
    Some of my favorite bloggers have simply disappeared with no warning, leaving me to wonder what may have happened.
    You are one of the first blog friends I found when I was learning my way around blogging territory. I hope you'll be encouraged and inspired to continue sharing.

    1. Thank you Sharon - you have put things in perspective for me. What would I do without you as a friend?

  12. I enjoy your writing and your beautiful photography. I'm sorry I haven't commented as often as I should.

    It seems that I am in a similar place with blogging as you are, but I haven't posted on mine in quite a while. It feels like by the time I get my photographs loaded from the camera into the computer and then sort through them, too much time has gone by and whatever I was writing about feels like old news. It was starting to feel like my blog is a bit in the doldrums. I'm not ready to just get rid of it, but not having the urge to write as much as in the past, I'm just letting it drift for now, bobbing along in blogland. I hope to get back on board soon.

    I would miss your blog if it wasn't here. Seeing your photographs of the beautiful countryside where you live is a treat for me.

    1. Thanks Susie. I'm glad the photos go down well. Sometimes (like my header) I get a really good one and take a bow! I always feel a pang of regret when I change my header for a new one (even though that new one is just as good or better, in a different way.)

      I hope you can give yourself a mental shake and get back to blogging yourself.

  13. I too don't want you to gooooo.
    Have you thought about maybe collating the photos so it doesn't take as long to upload them. Knowing the issues with photos n blogger lately I understand the frustration. As everyone says though, it's your blog, and you blog when you want x I'll be here reading, when you do.

  14. Definitely not, stick with it Jennie. I would miss your blogs as would many others. I think we all get that feeling that questions what we write, then you have to remember that a blog is like a diary it records what is happening through the years. There again it is your choice of course but just don't. xxx

  15. I would really miss your blog and I don't find your posts at all repetitive. I love seeing the photos of the areas you visit in different seasons and reading about your craft work, antiques, cookery, books. I think we all get fed up at times with blogging, I know I do, but at the end of the day I keep it as a record of my day's out and holidays. It is though as everyone says your blog and your decision - but I would definitely miss your posts and I do hope you continue. Sometimes a break away from blogging is what is needed.

    Must just tell you I made your Chocolate Hobnuts yesterday and they are scrumptious so thanks again for the recipe. They reminded me a bit of Anzac biscuits and would be just as delicious without the chocolate.

  16. I really enjoy your blog. I love seeing the projects your husband repairs and your pictures are always beautiful. I wouldn't get dispondent about the lack of comments. I've recently done a post about coping with SAD and I know over 1000 people have viewed it but not one person has left a comment - you'd think someone would have said something but this happens to me all the time. I also don't really want to post about family matters or daily goings on so I guess I don't tickle anyone's fancy!. Do what you will because it is your blog but know that we value your thoughts and your stories and insights.

  17. Thank you all. Your support and comments have helped me more than you can know right now.
