

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 22 December 2016

All bets are cancelled

Sadly, just as I was going up to bed last night, I checked my emails.  I had one from our estate agent, saying the viewers loved our house, it was so friendly and welcoming, but they are now inclined towards one of the ones they saw on Tuesday.

I have to say, being given hope (they intimated they would be in touch with an offer) and then having it snatched away is depressing - especially as we had found a property which ticked EVERY box and were intending to go and view first thing in the New Year.  Ah well, we'll just put it behind us and look forward to a wonderful family Christmas.


  1. I'm so sorry to read this. I really hope things change and someone finds and falls in love with your beautiful house. I'd have it in a shot. I think next year is when us Aries are all going to move to our heart homes, so I'm keeping everything crossed for

  2. So disappointed for you--I had been [guardedly] hopeful this time. Home buyers are a capricious lot--don't I know! On our last house sale it took the buyers 4 months after signing the contract to secure funding--a very strange transaction.
    The 'let down' sensation is so disheartening whenever our hopes have been raised and something we desire looks at last a possibility.

  3. This exact same thing happened to us, so bloody annoying. We have a roller coaster of a journey too. Try to keep your chin up - Tracy Xx


  5. And I hope you have one too. Gosh homebuying is so stressful.

  6. There's nowt as queer as folk, some people have to find their mind before they can make it up. It is a funny time to be house viewing, fingers crossed that the New Year brings you a buyer.

  7. was sorry to here your news, lovely to see you today, wishing you a loving family christmas.

  8. Thank you all. I think you can probably feel my disappointment from the other side of your computer screens! I am trying to be pragmatic about it, but Aries and pragmatism aren't usually bedfellows!

    I have been sleeping SO badly and 4 or 5 hours a night just leaves me running on empty. I've just done the evening meal (2 different meals - mince cobbler and another stir fry as I was trying to use up the remains of the stir fry veg. I don't know HOW I got it to the table at the same time as my poor brain is totally addled.

    Dawn - it was good to see you this morning. Not long now until Martin is home and you can pull up the drawbridge.

  9. So sorry to read this.
    And Yes I can feel your disappointment. Here's hoping the next one will put in an offer. I sold my home just before Christmas.
    It is almost Christmas so enjoy the day with family. Wishing you and your family a lovely holiday.

    cheers, parsnip

  10. So sorry BB. It is such a stressful time selling a house isn't it?

  11. Thank you both. Stressful - YES. Disappointing - certainly. But we move on and I have my lovely family. Parsnip - at least one of us succeeded!

  12. Happy Holidays to you and yours, BB. I'm sorry about the prospective buyer not following thru with you. It must be extremely frustrating to try selling a home and have the poor success as you have had. Is it that way all over Wales these days or are you guys an anomaly in the real estate world?

  13. Wretched news, but you have the family festivities to look forward to. Enjoy Christmas all our best wishes, love Thelma and Paul xxx

  14. Wretched news, but you have the family festivities to look forward to. Enjoy Christmas all our best wishes, love Thelma and Paul xxx

  15. Thank you Lynda and Thelma. She wanted to knock down half the house anyway, to enlarge the already big kitchen, so I guess our house wasn't really for them. He just kept looking out of the windows at the birds, and saying how peaceful it was.

    Lynda - unless you are within commuting distance of London or live in a hot-spot, then houses are slow to sell. Wales and Scotland particularly so. People tend to come to Wales for cheap land (mostly for horses!) but we don't have a huge amount of land - all our value is in a big house, which isn't what everyone wants. We are still in Recession here.

    Christmas with the family is worth more than gold.

  16. So sorry to hear the news about the house but for someone out there it will be the house of their dreams and they will come and view one day.

    Have a wonderful family Christmas.

  17. Oh that's really disheartening, I am sorry they gave you such hope, but wishing you a lovely Christmas in your home.

  18. I really hope things change and someone finds and falls in love with your beautiful house.
