

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Well, they liked it. . .

Well the viewing has taken place.  They liked it, and mentioned it was the top of their list, and several of the others they had down to view were just makeweights.  In fact, one cancelled (or they cancelled it) and they phoned up (I'd given them my card) asking to view again the same afternoon.  They were inclined to linger, they were full of plans for the house and garden.  I am hopeful.  We shall see.  I will keep you posted.  I'm trying to keep calm and not raise my hopes to much - many a slip twixt cup and lip, as the old saying goes.

Here is the wreath I made the previous day, intending to hang it on the front door, but it never made it so stayed in the kitchen beside the inglenook, looking festive.  The little dangly baubles came from the Old Railway Line Nurseries at Three Cocks, between Brecon and Hay.  Oh My Goodness - WHAT a tempting display of hundreds of gorgeous Christmassy must-haves.  It was a wonder I just spent £10 - I could have easily added a nought to that!

I've been sat up in my office with the curtains open, looking out into the darkness, and wishing Eldest Daughter and her boyfriend (and cat!) would arrive SOON.  The minute I went downstairs to cook K's meal (we're having stir fry, NOT his sort of food) they turned up.  Phew.  I am a terrible worrywort as I get older and this was T's first long drive with her car - she passed her test at the beginning of the month.  It is taking some adjusting from a diesel car which she learned to drive in to a petrol one, but I am sure it will soon be second nature.

Talking of driving, we went into town today to get the various joints of meat for Christmas, and the ingredients for the Raised Game Pie I am planning for Boxing Day.  As we were waiting at the traffic lights where you leave the Tesco car park, there was some really stupid driving - people just driving across the lights, with a pile of cars in front of them backed up from the next roundabout and we missed one whole set of light changes because we were blocked in. Cretinous driving.  Hah - can't you tell I'm getting older - you should hear me on the subject of headlights, and indicating!

Right, I will go downstairs and sort out a meal for the rest of us, and be back in the morning with some Christmas extracts from a lovely Alison Uttley book I got in Hay recently - Plowmen's Clocks, absolutely delightful.  


  1. Fingers crossed that all goes smoothly with the house. I am 100& with you on the stupid drivers and those "one light wonders" as for indicators I can only think that lots of cars out there do not have them. My car will not be moving before the 27th now. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Do hope all goes well over the viewing - it is always such a tense time isn't it?

  3. I am urging on the prospective buyers from an ocean away! You and Keith have the skills and the taste to make that old house age-appropriate and appealing. I can imagine stepping inside and sensing a welcome--rather like the houses of Elizabeth Goudge's 'Pilgrims' Inn.
    Fretting over family on the road [or in the air] is simply what some of us must do! I'm sure each occasion adds us a few more worry lines!

  4. OOOh good luck with the viewing turning into a buy!

  5. I have all things crossed for you.

  6. Thank you all so much - I firmly believe in the power of Positive Thought. It WAS No. 1 on their list before they even set out . . .

    I am glad to say that Mrs Visiting Cat has settled in well and made herself thoroughly at home down in mum's kitchen and we've just tucked her in for the night.

  7. Well you have the festive season to look forward to with your family, so no worrying. I hate fast drivers who sit on your tail, I am slowly driving further away from home as I regain confidence, Lucy has only fallen off the back seat twice!

  8. Well you have the festive season to look forward to with your family, so no worrying. I hate fast drivers who sit on your tail, I am slowly driving further away from home as I regain confidence, Lucy has only fallen off the back seat twice!

  9. Oh how exciting!! I have my fingers crossed and am sending you positive thoughts. What a year 2017 will be :)
