

Jennie's recipes

Monday 12 December 2016

Mymydd-y-Gwair walk - a few more photos

Madness here today, as we have a viewing of our house in a week's time and I am still busy redecorating, tidying etc etc.  SO much to do.  A few photos here which have taken forever to load.  Some archaeology for you - but all industrial I think, although from where I was standing the banks above were fairly circular and could have been a robbed-out cairn . . . or a pond . . . or a henge!! (Hah to the last!!)

Fair amount of bank left . . . and a lovely view.

Water-holding pond, which was in association with a couple of others not holding water any longer.

Fabulous views in all directions . . .  We plan to walk the ridge on another day.

Sour acid soils extending down into the valley bottoms.  Tussock grass much in evidence. Just out of sight to the left, coal mining was carried out into the past century.

I loved the sun lighting up these rushes.  Just below this trackway was a flatter track which was probably something to do with the industrial history of the valley, and below is the entrance to an old adit which led to one of the pit faces, some 3 miles away, underground.  Quite a walk to work.

One last photo showing the sun on the mossy oak branches.  Magic.  Now I must wield my paintbrush in earnest . . .


  1. It is very wonder they had to block the entrance to the mine, folk hunting for coal in disused sites was and perhaps still is quite a thing, kids were killed doing it.

  2. There was about a foot of water in this adit Simon. I think kids would always want to explore though, so no wonder it is closed off now.

  3. What a beautiful part of the world BB. Do hope your house viewing is successful.

  4. It is lovely, Pat. (But then so is where you live too!) I hope it's successful too - it would be a positive for them just to turn up as the last two viewings were cancelled, one at the very last minute after they apparently did a drive by . . .

  5. Lovely part of the world, hope the viewers do turn up after all this work, fingers crossed.

  6. Well, if they don't, then at least the house is all ready for Christmas.

  7. Beautiful views and photos - you do live in a lovely area. Hope all goes well with the viewing. ps have just started Phil Rickman's "Cold Calling"!

  8. RR - it is stunning round here. I have to have wild landscape in my life. Fingers crossed over the viewing, we really DO need to sell and downsize. You will love Cold Calling. I've just finished his Mean Spirit (written under his pseudoname of Will Kingdom. A little slow to start but starring the same protagonists as Cold Calling, and also a good one to follow on with.

  9. Huge good luck wishes coming your way for the viewing. I loved your pictures, what a gorgeous walk :D Now, I must move before I'm late for

  10. I half-think this viewing may get cancelled - out of 4 viewings so far, 3 have cancelled, one of them the day before after a drive by. Ah well, the house will be ready for Christmas anyway . . .
