

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Off to Hampshire in the morning

Sorry to be absent, but I have had a busy time of things this past week, as we have our viewing next Monday, and I am losing three days because of going down to Hampshire for Tricia's funeral on Friday.  I'm dreading it as seeing her family upset is going to have me the same way, and I shall be glad when it has taken place and we can all move on.  I am very grateful to our middle daughter G for providing me a bed whilst I am down there, and for accompanying me to the funeral and driving us in a hire car.

Anyway, the redecorating is now done, and the front hall is the same creamy yellow as the kitchen, and there is just a tiny bit of touching up on a filled crack in the shower room wall.

Today was Tackle the Junk Room day, and I am glad to have . . . most . . . of that done.  Just needs another 15 mins or so in there on Sunday to rejig the left hand side.

The tree is set up and dressed and looks very pretty.  I will try and get a decent photo of it, meanwhile you will have to make do with a photo of Molly Mouse (or is she a rat?!) and her boyfriend Tommy, who I couldn't resist when shopping in TK-Maxx again last week.

You probably won't be at all surprised to find that I have walked over 5 miles around the house in all my sorting out and tidying up today.

I am fast running out of time to get ready for Christmas, but once the viewing has happened on Monday - and I really DO hope it takes place, as we have had 3 cancellations out of 4 booked "viewings" in the past year, so I am not holding my breath - then I can get presents wrapped and sort out a food shopping list.

The meals will be fairly standard this year - turkey instead of venison for Christmas Day, a Raised Game Pie for Boxing Day, so I will blow the dust off my Elizabethan style Raised Pie tin, and probably a Ham too, as we have our eldest daughter's boyfriend coming to stay this Christmas too.  I haven't made a single mince pie yet, or made a Christmas cake, or done any baking in advance, or . . . ah well, I think the kitchen is going to be red hot next week.

I'll be back on Saturday night, so hopefully will find five minutes to post.  I hope you are all more organized than I am for the Big Day . . .


  1. Bb cannot post on blog router problems. Hope tricias funeral goes as well as can be expected. Hugs am thinking of you.hope the vieeing goes well. Told u before the house will pick its owners as it did you. Have had the surgery and even though have high pain threshold yhrobbin robbin is actively making himself known each time i put my foot on the floor and a very sexy shoe - not too. Wishing you all the best an tricias family too. Pattypan xx

  2. Bb cannot post on blog router problems. Hope tricias funeral goes as well as can be expected. Hugs am thinking of you.hope the vieeing goes well. Told u before the house will pick its owners as it did you. Have had the surgery and even though have high pain threshold yhrobbin robbin is actively making himself known each time i put my foot on the floor and a very sexy shoe - not too. Wishing you all the best an tricias family too. Pattypan xx

  3. You have a good cry on Friday together with her family and friends, I am sure there will also be lots of sharing of happy memories, this is what its about. I am keeping everything crossed for Monday, I saw you on Monday we drove past as you were getting out of your car going into the antique place in town.

  4. I think you need to do the whole emotional outbreak thing to start moving on, certainly in my experience. Just do whatever feels best for you - we will be thinking of you at this awful time.
    I haven't made any mince pies and don't think I will have time, so I've just accepted that this year. I only get time off after Christmas, so maybe belated ones :)
    Take care of yourself, Tracy

  5. Love and hugs to you and good luck with the house

  6. I do hope this viewing is successful.
    Also hope the funeral goes as well as a funeral can.
    Take care on your journeys

  7. I do hope that the funeral goes better than expected BB and that you feel you can say goodbye to your dear friend.
    Also I hope the viewing is successful - it is all so frustrating isn't it?
    My serious advice re cake and mince pies at Christmas - buy them - don't bake them at
    this late hour. I am sure your family would rather have a relaxed you than an exhausted you.

  8. Take care, and weep for it is for the good of the soul. Come back and start enjoying Xmas with your family. X

  9. Take care, and weep for it is for the good of the soul. Come back and start enjoying Xmas with your family. X

  10. Do hope the funeral goes better than expected - will be thinking of you on such a sad day.
    Good Luck with the viewing and so hope they don't drop out.
    Behind here with Christmas baking - although have at least got cake, pudding and mincemeat made. I am sure you will catch up later next week but take care and don't exhaust yourself.

  11. Thank you all for your support and kind thoughts. It wasn't easy, of course, but I shall try and do a post tomorrow and then move on to the insanity that is the week before Christmas (with a house viewing!)

  12. Chin up ( just read your comment on going gently) x

  13. Thanks John. It was a bit heavy on emotion. . .
