

Jennie's recipes

Friday 27 January 2017

Antiques Fair looming

We're all set up for the weekend's 2 day Antiques Fair at the Botanic Gardens near Carmarthen.  We are in the big glass Dome, where there are Australasian plants thriving.  It is NICE AND WARM in there!!!  Toilets very close by, and a little cafe where you can buy hot drinks if you so wish (and food, but we take our own).  We even have wildlife in the form of birds who have set up home in there - we had a Robin behind our stand today, and there are some very smug looking Sparrows too!

I quickly rustled up a batch of Blueberry Muffins this morning (to share with fellow dealer friends) and also tried out a new recipe for Chocolate Slices which are only 123 calories each and fat-free (you use apple sauce to bind them). They are not the least bit sweet, so even Keith will eat these.  

I have remembered to defrost the bread for sandwiches, and Keith got some sliced ham and pork for the fillings, and we are all organized.  

We need to set out the militaria tomorrow - and everything else is covered over, as there are folk just wandering around who are visiting because it is free for January (normally £7.50 a head I think).  People who come for the Fair just pay £4 a head, and can still look round the gardens inside and out.  I hope to get across to where they have exotic butterflies, camera in hand . . .


  1. How brilliant to be somewhere warm instead of your usual freezing shed or outside. You won't want to leave! Hope you sell lots

  2. Enjoy being warm and being at the fair and the socialisation. Take care Pattypan x

  3. Enjoy being warm and being at the fair and the socialisation. Take care Pattypan x

  4. This sounds like a much more comfortable market than the last go round--comfortable warmth, short stroll to toilets when needed [although I rather dislike public facilities] tea, sandwiches and chocolate [!] to bolster your energy should it flag!
    I hope you do well.

  5. There looks to be some tempting stuff BB - but as we are contemplating downsizing I would have to resist even if I were near enough to visit.

  6. We had a good day, so thanks everyone for your good wishes - they worked! We met some lovely folk, plus a woman both Keith and I could cheerfully have been very rude too, but we let her have the cartel on THAT. It is very difficult to keep upbeat with someone who is like that but hey, I think we had the last laugh . . .

    Right, I have a bottle of white cooling in the fridge and am looking forward to a glass or two of that later.
