

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 26 January 2017

My brain's gone missing . . .

Above: a very blurred photo of the Torquay piece I found at Malvern last weekend.  It is a Daison Art Pottery piece.  I think it's painted by Harry Birbeck.  I'll get a better photo tomorrow.  It dates to the late 1920s.

Just when I need to keep my brain together, it has gone walkabout, courtesy of some bug which comes complete with a temperature -  I absolutely glowed in bed last night, having headed up there at 8.15 p.m., struggling to keep my eyes open.  I took myself out for a walk yesterday, up our hill and on for about a mile each way and I did NOT enjoy it, not ONE step.  When I got home and my brains turned to glue, I knew why.

Anyway, I have had a quiet day today, mending the little toy dog, and researching some things we have for sale, and writing up price tags, ready to set up our stall at the Botanic Gardens Antiques Fair tomorrow.  It's a two day one, so I cooked up a chicken today, which will provide us with meals for two or three days.  We had a tasty beef casserole for supper tonight, so I got two lots of cooking in the oven together to save money.

I've finished the first Vera Stanhope novel I got from the library (but not the first chronologically) - Harbour Street, which was very good.  Now I'm on the other library book, The Moth Catcher.

I struck lucky at the free book shop in town (you just give a donation) and found 6 Ann Cleeves novels (5 of them the first five Vera Stanhopes) so those will keep me quiet for a while.  The only trouble is,  I have had to sideline all the OTHER books which are piled up waiting my attention, but hey ho. . .

Another stupidly blurry photo of a little china cat who came home with me on Sunday.  He'll make someone smile.

I can't get to grips with my new camera yet as I haven't been able to download the right Microsoft connection for the photos to be put in.  I will try to sort it out next week, or get darling son over to do it for me . . .


  1. What a happy cat. Bless you - feeling rubbish is not what you need :( I am very envious of your cooking ahead. I just don't seem to get round to it. Best of luck

  2. Tracy - start at breakfast time is my tip! Feeling slightly less rubbish this morning and have slept SO much better - I have been taking my Montelukast tablet (to help my asthma) at tea time instead of just before bed, as it does have known side effects of Insomnia, and have slept so much better as a result.

  3. Like the first vase with the flamingo. Do you think you catch these bugs at Antique fairs? Or is your immune system under the weather because of winter. Anyway get better properly. X

    1. I think we both got so chilled on Sunday that it lowered our defences, and I dare say touching "filthy lucre" didn't help either!!! Bugs from all over the country must congregate on the money changing hands at Malvern! Better today, both of us, so it was just a 48 hour bug, much helped by 11 hours' sleep a night.
