

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 9 February 2017

A Treereeper frozen in time

This Treecreeper was in the Damson tree yesterday.  It stayed absolutely still, just blinking, for about 5 minutes.  I see them feeding in the apple tree out in the front garden, but have never seen it so close to or still for so long before.  Such a pretty wee bird.

I began the evening meal after breakfast yesterday.  I had a red onion which needed using up, got a small bag of chopped peppers from the freezer, half a courgette which had definitely got USE ME on it, a tin of chopped tomatoes, freshly ground black pepper, and a pinch of basil, and voila, enough topping for two pizzas (which do me four meals, as Keith doesn't eat pizza) and some topping left over in a bowl in the freezer.  The stove was on all day, so perfect for bread dough rising in the late afternoon.

I had cooking bacon to use up too, so made a big pan of Minestrone soup which will do me for lunches for several days.  It was a nasty raw cold yesterday and didn't encourage any staying out of doors, so gardening was off, and I didn't fit in a walk as I was busy cooking and also painting the Back Place walls, which desperately needed it.

These were this week's bargains from the Free Book Shop (I donated £1 each).  I collect books about Hardy and his work so these leapt into my hands - I hadn't come across either of them before.  They are from the 1980s so I dare say the rhetoric has moved on a bit since then. The Charlotte Bronte book is . . . different . . . here she is cast as a murderess so this should be a bit of fun!

Right, I need to get back to checking out lots at the auction . . .


  1. I hadn't appreciated how stunning the tree creeper was- it doesn't surprise me as most of the LBJs are. They just don't stay still long enough to look at them properly!Lovely photo.

    1. Me neither - SUCH pretty colouring. I have a juvenile Siskin feeding with parents, and that doesn't show much yellow yet but has such pretty morse code dashes on its upper chest and close to wings.

  2. I've never seen a treecreeper still either, always spiralling up the tree

    1. Hah - wonder what happens if they meet the Woodpecker coming backwards DOWN the same branch?!

  3. Brilliant photo - in the right place at the right time is the trick I guess. I think I saw a treecreeper once for about a second then it vanished round the back of an apple tree and not seen again.
    Went to look at auction place yesterday - saw a big old oak coffer and thought of you!! Which sounds rather strange now I come to write it down!

  4. No Sue, that's fine, us and coffers go together! They are wonderful when a viewing is due and you have lots of "stuff" which needs to be hidden . . .

  5. I saw one here this week two. I love them. Hope all's well with you x

  6. Bitterly cold, CT - bird feeders being topped up as soon as they are empty (when we are here that is - otherwise we do them the second we get back). Lots of visitors to them, needless to say. I now have a complete Siskin family on the Damson tree feeder - mama, papa and two juveniles.

    Gearing up for the next house viewing now . . .

  7. Beautiful little bird.
    Good luck with the viewing !

    cheers, parsnip
