

Jennie's recipes

Monday 13 February 2017

Spring can't be too far away

I went out for a long walk today (a couple of hours), and found this Red Campion well in flower along the way.  There were a few Primroses just coming into flower too.

Finally, I've been playing with my new camera, and took a couple of close ups which are much better than my old camera could manage (though I have probably missed a trick with that as the instruction manual is on line - though this one is too of course).  I've just found out how to do close ups and will continue playing.

Right, I must away - had a phone call tonight to say our builder is arriving tomorrow to start redecorating outside, and his minions will be up in the attic bathroom hacking off the plaster and replacing it with hemp plaster.  Oh, and we have our next viewing on Thursday!  This could be interesting . . .  I can see me and my vacuum doing a lot of overtime . . .


  1. Lovely close up photos. The instruction booklet for my bridge camera is on a cd or online and I would much prefer a printed book that I could just flick through! Good luck with the viewing.

  2. My other camera is a bridge camera (I recently discovered!) I would rather have a little handbook too, but have managed to find close ups and landscape, so am coping for the moment!

    As for the viewing - ah well, having builders in won't change the size or number of the rooms anyway!

  3. I was recently given a new camera (very similar to yours) which fits in my pocket, has a wonderful zoom, etc. Only trouble is that I now also have to take my specs in another pocket because I am so slow learning where everything is on this new gadget. I have become remarkably proficient at shooting short videos - trouble is that isn't normally what I intended to do. I must try harder and could do better!

    Best of luck with the builders and viewings.

    1. Hah - I have to take my (distance) glasses OFF to read what I am pressing or the screen details. I can do the very basics on it, but like you, must try harder!!

  4. Hope the viewing goes well, and the builders try and keep it clean, I notice they will be tramping all through the house right to the top!

    1. Yes - I have just been laying out old sheets right up the stairs to the attic rooms. They had better have more as the best carpet is in the attic!!

  5. I saw primroses too recently. Yes small signs of Spring are definitely on the way!

  6. Thank heavens Aril. The older I get, the less I enjoy winter . . .
