

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Tales of the riverbank

. . . or perhaps not!  These have taken forever to load.  I can't face phoning BT until I get back from giving my Edward Thomas & The Dymock Poets talk, so next week it will be.  Anyway, enjoy some photos of my riverside walk.  The plant below is a Euphorbia - Sun Spurge.  It has colonised the bank between the lane and the river and managed to escape being washed away in the occasional floods!

Above and below - I quite like these faded ones taken with a gizmo on my new camera.


  1. Your beautiful photos remind me of our many holidays staying in old Welsh cottages or farmhouses close to running rivers and streams. We're off to a favourite Cornish farmhouse this weekend and I cannot wait.

  2. Hi Sarah, I have to say there are quite a few beautiful river valleys like ours (the Cothi) in Wales. I am glad my photos brought back memories for you. Enjoy Cornwall - well I know you will - and I hope you get good weather.

  3. Beautiful photos - so very picturesque. Hope you get photo uploading problems sorted soon and that your Edward Thomas talk goes well - would love to be able to attend but I suspect it will be too far away!

  4. Love that euphorbia - one of my favourite plants.

  5. Absolutely gorgeous pictures!

  6. Typing this one-fingered from my husband's Tablet as the laptop has died. Glad you like the photos everyone.
