

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 4 May 2017

The best made plans

No photos today.  No computer either! It died on me yesterday, just a few hours  after I did the photos and finally printed it all off. Thank heavens I got it finished. We were all set to set off for Hampshire today and then zI rolled over in bed in the night and was woken by my brain feeling like it had poured from one side to the other! The whole room spun and I felt as sick as a dog.   It would seem to be an inner ear infection (I had a long sinusy cold recently).  Needless to say I have had to phone my friend and apologise. I have posted off the talk, map, poems and a memory stick of photos but it won't get there in time - well it might have done if I'd paid £20 to send it! I'm off to see the Dr this afternoon, but it's too late to help the talk.

I will cost up a replacement computer later too.


  1. Oh no, after all your work getting the talk together. I hope the ear infection goes soon. I've heard before how horrible it is

    1. Been to the Dr who said it is "just" a virus causing vertigo. All I can say is that "just," vertigo is horrid!

  2. I'm so sorry that you are ill--and that you've had to miss the presentation for which you prepared. I know that this is a subject dear to your heart.
    Nothing to be done but ride out the ear/sinus infection--what a bummer!

    1. I worked hard on the talk for weeks - right up to the wire. I hope to get a chance to give the talk later in the summer.

  3. Sounds awful BB. Hope both you and your new computer are soon fighting fit.

    1. I've priced the new laptop and nearly swooned!

  4. I know how unpleasant those things can be, I hope it clears soon.

    1. It's horrid Simon. I have had a safe day and got my blog up on my husband's Tablet.

  5. What a shame after all your hard work.
    I hope you're feeling better very soon. My friend suffers from Vertigo and I believe it is just horrible. Xx

    1. Hello Jules. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! Sturgeon is keeping it at bay, but I hope it soon clears off. My sympathy to your friend. I was disappointed about the talk as so much effort went into it, but hey-ho, I know a lot more about the Dymock poets now!

  6. Hope you get better soon, take care. X

    1. I am cheered by the prospect of watching the coverage of Badminton eventing tomorrow though.

  7. Sorry to read this after all the work you put in, you seem to be having a rough year with bugs and things, I hope you bounce back soon

    1. I think once your immune system takes a hammering you are open to any other hugs. I can manage a few minutes pottering in the garden, which is a positive.
