

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 8 July 2017

Photos of the Botanic Gardens

That's all I can manage tonight.  I am tired out (I've been awake since 2.30 a.m. and that's on top of a fortnight of sleeping badly and early starts.  We're up at 5 a.m. again tomorrow . . .)  The Agent has contacted me to ask how we thought the viewing had gone as she had called the viewers twice, and emailed, but they aren't replying.  There we go then, another lot to draw a line under.  I can't do positive when I am this shattered. 

I'm also very worried about our eldest daughter who is in Germany (travelling back to Britain) and has Cellulitis after two bad horse fly bites (she reacts very badly).  She needs anti biotics but won't be able to get any until she is back in Yorkshire but I have told her if it gets worse to get to a Hospital there . . .  Yeesh.  It never rains but it pours.

Enjoy the garden photos anyway.


  1. BB [HUGS] Tell your daughter to try slapping on some honey on the bite. It is a natural antibiotic and also shifts any muck out of a wound and makes the scar less noticeable I.e on a nasty cut - they used to use it years ago in hospitals for ladies who had caesareans and also hysterectomies. Its still used quite a bit. Preferably clear runny hunny )that's assuming she is not diabetic in which case not to use it.. I am a great believer in using honey where I can.

    Lets wait and see on the house front - when you are tired from all the effort that goes in to cleaning and tidying and hopes are held high it hits you harder. Now chin up get yourself an early night if you do not sleep as long as you rest and keep yourself hydrated especially in this weather that is better than nothing. I have told you before your home is charming but the house will choose as it chose you. Now try and sleep tight and remember we are all rooting for you.



  2. my daughter reacts badly to bites as well, I hope she gets home soon.

  3. Thanks both. Will pass on the info Tricia. Dawn - she's home on Sunday night.

  4. Sorry for the disappointment--and for anxiety about T.--Never a good time for such things, but tough when they hit together and you were already tired out!

    1. I was very weepy last night Sharon. I read a very sad post on the Facebook page of the horse charity I support, and on top of being exhausted, that just finished me off. Being so far from Tam and not being able to offer any real help wasn't the best end to the day.

  5. Been away for a week and just been catching up on your posts. Sorry about all the anxieties you have at the moment especially combined with lack of sleep :( Do hope your daughter feels better soon and you may yet get positive news on the house viewing? Perhaps they haven't made up their mind if they have a lot of houses to compare?

    1. RR - we are hoping we haven't heard because they are still viewing houses and deliberating. The lack of sleep is the pits because it stops me making any logical decisions, although my husband and I have at least made one very firm decision. More later, should it come to pass. Tam will be at the Dr's tomorrow, and on a-b's then.

  6. Thanks for sharing the beautiful flowers especially when you've so much else going on. Hope you daughter is better, mine had that once form a spider bite.

    1. She's mending now, thanks hart. This time she didn't need anti-biotics, thank heavens. Glad you enjoyed the flowers. It's beautiful there.

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  8. Both the house and the garden look stunning in your photos. A testament to all the hard work and love you have put into it! Keeping everything crossed for you.x

    1. Thanks DW. The garden is still a work in progress, but I've got lots done in the past couple of days. We are still holding our breath here.
