

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 24 August 2017

Back from the auction . . .

And not empty handed either - we had been looking for a suitable table lamp to go at the back of the sitting room on the Arts & Crafts oak sideboard we bought when we were still in Dorset.  I bought a big white lump of a lamp at the car boot sale last weekend but Keith and Tam hated it, so it will be passed on and instead I found a really beautiful lamp made from a Chinese baluster vase, on a little wooden plinth and with a beautiful silk shade.  Looks classic and just right for the sideboard.

The car boot plate polished up.  It looks stunning.

We were late back from the auction last night - gone 8 p.m. - as we drive to Gloucestershire via the motorway, for speed, and then come back in a more leisurely fashion x-country via Gloucester, the Forest of Dean and Monmouth, stopping at Waitrose in Abergavenny for provender (a nice stir fry planned for tonight) and then toodling back along the very familiar A40 to home.

Today is dry and overcast but a trip to town is necessary to order the floor tiles for the shower room revamp and then we're going to get some sea air.

Keith is in two minds whether to come as he wants to get on with starting the restoration job on the late 17th C oak coffer (slightly "distressed" on its top as it looks like someone jumped up and down on it!!) we also bought at Wotton yesterday.  It will look superb when it is all sorted and polished up, but gosh, it ain't light - solid and oak mean something when it comes to carrying a coffer made of same!!


  1. Is that a brass offertory plate that someone has nicked from a church ?

  2. Hah! I thought it was nicked from Cardiff Castle myself Heron's View! It looks like a gigantic ashtray. Not being a great churchgoer (and anyway, this looks a bit High Church), I couldn't possibly comment . . .

  3. Replies
    1. Well, I know what look I am aiming at, which is half the battle.

  4. . I am glad to report that despite still being there when I came into the room first thing, the Beast of Berlin has now legged it. Where I care not!!
