

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 22 August 2017


Today I began work in my office.  I went through all the entire contents of my filing cabinet (most of which will be burnt) and hoiked it out, deep cleaned in here, and then brought in the little painted table I bought at auction recently and the car boot/Range lamp.  I took a photo, but look at what was in the background . . .

I am not keen on handling them this size, so I am hoping he will move on of his own accord so I don't need to get a jar and a piece of paper. . .

Ghengis relaxing in the garden today.  Just before I got the camera ready and set up for a photo, he was flat on his back with his paws in the air, then he must have seen me at the window and rolled over again.

Anyway, I have painted half the back wall in my office white,  and it looks fine.  The other two walls will be papered.  The final wall is all bookcase so will stay books and I shan't bother to paint behind them, just leave as is as it's not in full light and the old paint is a light cream anyway.

I finally got the first blackberries picked today, and they have been washed and left to drain.  Now I had better go down and put them on a tray to flash freeze overnight.


  1. Looks lovely. I think you and OH would get on well. He is not keen on spiders especially that size. If one perchance happens to be in the bathroom there is usually a holler and I have to go and retrieve it. Mind you your spider is very photogenic. Sorry could not resist. Take care. Pattypanxx

    1. Hmmm - he's still there this morning, sulking, so I think Action may need to be Taken!! I think I got his Good Side in the photo . . . : )

  2. Aaaaaaaggggghhhhh HUGE - and they come back if you put them outside!

    1. Too big for me. I could NEVER have coped with the ones in the jungle that Keith used to encounter. O. M. G. !!!

  3. Replies
    1. My thoughts entirely Simon. Ghengis was the last stray to arrive here, 3 or 4 years back now, He was completely feral and a total bully, but now is bottom of the pack (snip, snip . . . you get my drift?!) but he adores me.

  4. I found a huge spider whilst hoovering the office room yesterday. This is not a room I tackle very often due to the mounds of paperwork (I work in publishing) so when he scuttled under the bookcase I was happy to leave him there. This house moving lark certainly concentrates the mind on cleaning and sorting stuff. I do remember visiting Llanchaereon, mainly because of the day-old piglets! Would love to visit again.

    1. Mine has a long way to go before he reaches the bookcase, and anyway, that has be have all the books removed at some point so I can decorate the walls.

      Day-old piglets - cuteness overload!

  5. I love your lampshade but NOT the spider! We had one like that in the bath the other day. OH bravely put it outside.....

    1. Gosh, lots of Brownie points for you OH then. Mine just grunted when I showed him The Beast - but then I'm a bit low on Brownie Points this past week . . .

  6. What a lovely photo with Ghengis on the garden path. What is with the feline pose--all feet stuck up in the air? Edward can lie that way for hours!
    Your new lamp and shade are uniquely pretty. Spiders! The only ones I can tolerate are the so-called garden spiders--large black and yellow--who built interesting webs with zigzag motifs in the center. They are not interested in coming indoors. I hate to smack a spider and squash it on the wall, but can't bear the thought of one 'running loose' in the house--I'm sure we have on occasion been bitten by them.

    1. I'm just reading the latest book from Diana Gabaldon (Nine Stones to Stand or Fall) - short stories. Her hero, John Grey, is found to have a poisonous spider on his head at one point, and I had a quick, "I couldn't live there" thought!! I think he was in Vermont . . . I think our most venomous spider is the Money Spider, but they are so tiny tiny they cannot bite us (thank heavens) so we spin them round our head three times instead and hope for money!

  7. Gorgeous cat.. lovely lamp and shade.. the 8 legged critter.. errrr no thanks. Hubby would have to deal with that for me *shudders*.

  8. Hi Julie. I am glad to report that despite still being there when I came into the room first thing, the Beast of Berlin has now legged it. Where I care not!!

  9. Hah! I thought it was nicked from Cardiff Castle myself Heron's View! It looks like a gigantic ashtray.
