

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 12 September 2017

£30 well spent

I ended up having to go to the Chiropractor over my leg pains, and also my dizziness, which my cousin P said could be down to neck problems.  Anyway, I am all sorted now and we were hooting with laughter at one point, so the visit cheered me up too.  He's a very interesting and intelligent man and we always put the world to rights whilst he is carrying out the treatment.

Now we have another Fair behind us, I have time to play catch up a bit.  This morning I have been polishing an old and damaged (it needs a new stock as the bottom 6" or so has broken off in the past) Moroccan musket with the most fabulous metalwork designs on it.  We polished the metalwork up and found it's solid silver (not sterling quality, of course).  If only it hadn't been used as a cosh at some point (when they ran out of ammo presumably) as it broke the end off the stock and the barrel is a bit loose too so presumably broken inside the large decorative strapping there.  Never mind, it came at the right price and I think Keith will now repair it and keep it and part with the one over the kitchen inglenook.

We had our antiques friends P & D round today for coffee and cake, and a natter.  It was good to see them again. We meet up at fairs but we have all been too busy this summer to meet up in between times.  We sent them home with some plums and a bag of Crocosmia corms, so at least they won't all be growing on the stream bank which is where I intend to empty the wheelbarrow full of them.

I have done a little more lace work, but can spot an error.  Never mind, that's what you get when you are first starting.  I can live with it.

Now I am mended and it doesn't hurt to walk, I am going to hopefully get out for a walk up the valley shortly. Greenhouse first though . . .


  1. Hope the weather doesn't get too wet and windy over there and good to hear you have been fixed

    1. Well, we have the wet part of the weather and it has been a little windy all day. We will have to see if we get the strong gales forecast tonight. Greenhouse now tucked up in the barn for the winter. Phew.

  2. Hope your treatment lasts. I think one just has to shop around until one finds the person and treatment which suits. I swear by my Physio who I visit every six weeks. She always sorts me out and puts her finger exactly on the problem.

    1. The Chiro I go to is very good. I have been with him for about 15 years now. Like your Physio, he knows where my problems are and his treatments are always effective. He usually has a younger person working with him, but having tried various of these in the past they are not as efficient as Peter.

  3. Glad to hear your feeling better and still working on your lace

    1. I'm enjoying it Dawn. Can't work at it for very long as my neck is still a bit sore after being "out", but I am slowly making progress. I'm waiting for the arrival of the book you recommended and I had an Amazon moment with (private seller, not Prime, sadly . . .

  4. Yes, it is so important to look after our bodies. Oh BB we are staying in the most wonderful house just outside Usk, originally a hall house but now with a first floor with massive cruck beams under which we have been sleeping and a Renaissance 4 storey tower with bell added in the 16th century and all covered in orange lime render which looks fantastic against the green valley. Yesterday afternoon after a long morning walk we drove up to Hay Bluff via Patrishow, Cwmyoy (I adore interesting old churches) and finally Llanthony priory. We ended with dinner at The Walnut Tree Inn (our 25th wedding and husband's 65th anniversaries). I think you live in the most beautiful part of Wales and really don't want to leave here!

    1. Sarah - you have me envious and I already live here! Admittedly a good few miles further west, but beautiful all the same. I think you would love our house . . .

      Hay Bluff is wonderful - the views just amazing. Llantony Priory is one of our favourite places to visit too and a friend recommends a lovely walk on the hills above it. I hope you didn't meet too much traffic along that very narrow lane between Hay Bluff and the Priory. Happy Anniversary (belated) and happy birthday to your husband too.
