

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 9 September 2017

Feeling unwell, so a crafting day was had

I woke up in the night feeling sick.  If I turned my head too quickly, it span.  When I got up to go to the loo I was staggering to the right.  (This latter bit started a couple of days ago).  When I dragged myself out of bed at 6 a.m., feeling even sicker, I decided that was it for the night and came downstairs to catch the news - Hurricane Irma is flattening everything in her path.  Poor souls who are in her way.

I had planned to do some lace making but my brain was not co-operating with my hands.  I decided to carry on with making the body of the hexis shopping bag. That showed me I was DEFINITELY not in a state to do anything requiring more than minimal concentration.  I kept having to replace reels of white cotton which appeared to offer a lot (but were remnants) and I ended up having to refill the bobbin completely after it turned out to have shortish pieces wound onto it and all the spare bobbins were different colours.  Filling the one I was using completely then accounted for the last of another spool of thread and I was beginning to think I was going to run out of white!

Using white cotton material (and scissors!) I cut out the pocket to go on the bag.  I will start the applique and embroidery tonight.  I'm looking forward to that.

Pinned and all the paper formers removed (which then required fresh tacking stitches to keep the edges neat . . . 

Then nearly invisibly slip-stitched into place.  Damn - just noticed a wrong angle on a hexi on the bottom row.  Must amend that.  Below - thick hefty handles - made all the thicker and heavier as in turning the 2nd handle (which I gave a stripey lining to stop the linen fraying) frayed completely for several inches when I was turning it inside out, so I decided to use that as a central core and use the last of the stripey material for an outer covering.  These hexis are 2" ones.  NO WAY would I have made it using the 200 1/2" hexis - that would have driven me quite mad.

So, progress and my brain is feeling a bit better now so I am hoping to get some lace making done after my bath tonight.

One good thing, our son phoned from Lithuania tonight (he's on holiday with a friend from his Oz days).  One bad thing - I forced myself to bake a chocolate apple cake to take tomorrow, went downstairs to check on it and found that my darling husband had turned the oven off half an hour or go.  It has SUNK in the middle and I am hoping will be edible after I have cooked it a bit more . . .


  1. Sorry to hear about the sickness -that's something to do with ears and balance isn't it? and sorry about the cake too.
    If ever - and it's unlikely - that I was to do patchwork, the shapes would have to be 6 inch hexis!

  2. 6" hexis are fine!! I guess the sick feeling was connected with the out of balance bit too. Gosh I felt quite sea sick! I tested the cake (!!) to make sure it was edible and it is - should be nice and fudgy in the middle tomorrow.

  3. I know several folk who have gone down with this sickness bug BB it seems to be doing the rounds.

    1. A friend of mine in Herefordshire also reported being laid low by it yesterday, so it is obviously doing the rounds. Fortunately I felt a bit brighter today though I had to take a Stugeron first thing as every time I leaned forward, I felt like I was going to land on my face!

  4. I've had that head-spinning upset when I've put my neck 'out' with too much painting or such--I think you've been doing that lately.
    I hope your quiet day of stitchery has helped to put your right.
    As to the cake--when the oven is turned off too soon, the baked goods never seem to fully recover in the middle.
    I've watched others make 'hexies' as busy-work while traveling or enforced sitting--haven't been inspired to make any although I appreciate what they can become when joined.

    1. My neck could well be a bit dicky from the painting, but this bug or whatever also made me very tired and without an iota of energy. I'm off to the chiro tomorrow so will get my neck checked out just in case.

      Fortunately, the sunken cake, although it stayed sunken, tasted wonderful!

      Hexis are probably more of an English thing. I was damned if I was going to do this whole bag in 1/2" ones though. I just did 5 to go across the pocket and they had be cross-eyed!

  5. The bag will look super when it is finished - really do wish I could sew. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. RR - When I was at school I was hopeless at Needlework. Mind you, we didn't have the best teacher as she made me unpick my TACKING STITCHES. Thank you Mrs Huggins, you put me off sewing for many years, but I am glad I got back to it.

      Practice makes perfect RR.

  6. thank you for this your broadcast provided bright clear concept..
