

Jennie's recipes

Monday 4 September 2017

Builth Antique Fair & Fleamarket - photo heavy

Saturday saw us up at Builth Wells for the twice yearly Antiques Fair & Fleamarket.  Sunday's forecast was for rain, so Saturday it was.  There were some nice things which took our eye, and here is a selection.  Above and below: I loved the patterns on these.  Probably French.

An attractive fan-back stool . . .

There was a lovely display on this stall.  I like interesting things.

What a beautiful Log Cabin quilt.  Many many hours of sewing and a lovely stall generally.

Keith loved this Gothic chair.

Stall belonging to a friend of ours who always has choice pieces of furniture, some of it quite early and desirable.

On his stall, this lovely little primitive Irish child's chair.

And another, not Irish (think it was Welsh actually.)

I was smitten by this Arts and Crafts jardinière, but not tempted to part with my cash . . .

On the same stall, a nice piece of Studio pottery with a Bumble Bee.

Above and below: a glass stall with a fabulous array of glass.  The items below were all Alum Bay glass.  LOOK at that gorgeous table lamp.  I didn't dare look at the price, but I remember it from last time so it won't be cheap . . .

A lovely old ark, like the one Keith is making for me (will he ever finish it, one asks . . .)

Above and below: two rocking horses, the top one "pony skin" (probably goat) and the bottom one, ahem, reupholstered!!!

A selection of lovely Welsh wool blankets and quilts on offer in one of the sheds.

A lovely hand-quilted Welsh quilt.

Finally - Game of Thrones anyone?!!!


  1. What a great selection you have shown us BB, as you know I have a weakness for old chairs. The quilt inspiration is far too tempting. While I watched Burghley on Sunday I put together a practice quilt sandwich for an all-white whole cloth quilt and have been playing around with stitches and pattern but then you show me the gorgeous red and white log cabin quilt...

    1. We have quite a collection of old chairs (Windsors are our "thing"). So tell me, which quilt are you going for - whole cloth or log cabin?!

  2. Love the shape of some of those pieces of IOW glass but the rocking horses are horrible!

    1. Rocking horses aren't for everyone. I have to say, whoever did the reupholstered one wasted their time and money! The IoW glass is beautiful.

  3. Hi BB some lovely pieces there. I too like the "stool" - sorry I thought it was a chair it is reminiscent and I agree with Keith over the Gothic chair. If Keith is making you a lovely Ark blanket box in that design I think it will really love lovely and what an heirloom to pass on.

    Take care.



    1. Stool/chair, whatever, it was quite low to the ground and three-legged so hard to know what to call it. My Ark won't be for blankets, but storage for my bags of flour, grains etc.

  4. Lots of lovely things to feast your eyes on! I think I would have been tempted by the Gothic chair.

  5. I would like some of the glass pieces !

    cheers, parsnip

  6. My favorite things are the wooden primitive pieces and the "pony skin" rocking horse. I think this show is one to mark on the calendar, for sure. I am still going back to admire the quilts from your visit to the quilt show! Wow at all those tiny quilting stitches!

  7. Everyone's tastes are so different. I am still going back to look at those quilts too. Stunning work.
