

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 3 September 2017

What I bought at the Quilt Fair . . .

I didn't go mad, though I did spend a little extra than I had planned, mainly because I saw some lovely American quilt magazines and couldn't resist them.  I like magazines and treat them almost as paperback books.  They stay with me for years - I still have some - much-loved - American X-stitch magazines I bought when the children were tiny and money was very, VERY tight (they were a holiday treat) and I treasure them still.  (Just X-Stitch they are, in case you are wondering.  American X-stitch designs are just so superior to the British ones to my mind.)

Apologies for the flash.

There are some stunning quilts in these magazines and all the patterns are there too.

These cost just £2 each.  Dawn found the Bobbin Lace making one 2nd hand on one stall, and there was another stall with weather-damaged (by the look of things) books.  I  very good and just bought one.  Lots of ideas in there.

Found the missing photo.  Browns and reds.  

Below:   I sat down and rested yesterday afternoon, and watched Burghley Horse Trials on tv and I did a couple of rows of this, my patchwork bag.  Another row yesterday evening.  Paper pieced and hand sewn of course.  The white cotton in the piles above is for the embroidered pocket on this bag.

Today is a catching up day - shopping, banking etc in town.  I need to make an appointment at the Chiropractor's as my right leg has been painful for a while.  At first I thought it was the steroids (which have given me aching calf muscles before) but I think my hip's out of kilter again, as at Malvern last week my knee was hurting (classic sign) and also my little toes have been curling up of their own volition and I can't put my right heel to the ground when sitting down.  The joys of growing older!

Danny is here tomorrow night to help us shift the sideboard and hefty mirror over, and then I will have to do the Painting Night Shift and get two coats of the Copper Blush on in pretty quick order so that we can move the furniture back again next morning.  Oh, and a coat of white along the skirting board too, then that room is finished.  Yippee!!


  1. One thing is certain BB - you don't sit about doing nothing.

  2. Can't do it Pat. I can sit - but I always sew/read/do a puzzle or whatever. Can't just sit and watch tv. I have to keep busy. I feel guilty enough "just sitting" in the first place!

  3. Prim Quilts magazine is one of my favorites...have some here in a pile for a friend visiting me from the U.K. next week!
    I try to do hand work or knit Christmas gifts at's getting dark way earlier!

  4. Hi Lynda. I like to sew on the dark evenings - hate to be idle really, but I do enjoy hand sewing.

  5. I thought I was the only person who feels guilty when just sitting. My dad used to scold me if I wasn't up helping my mother do the work for our large family, and I never got over it. A quilting magazine is always a good investment, I think. I have some old ones that I treasure.

  6. Chip - even when my children were small and I was permanently shattered, I could never "just sit" - in those days, I would work on a x-stitch project. They used to have the loooooooooooongest bathtime because I would sit there sewing. "Can we get out now mummy?" "In a minute . . ." !!! So, it's not the Christian work ethic, just me . . . I love my quilting magazines, but the British ones aren't a patch (hah!) on the American ones.

  7. Wow some lovely finds there BB. I too have a lot of Amercan Embroidery and Cross Stitch Magazines which I also treasure. We used to have a very good fabric and craft shop in Peterborough called Gordon Thodays and they used to have a fantastic choice of fabrics. It was closed down quite a few years ago and really nothing else has taken its place. I had a regular order with them for the magazines but after they went I was unable to find a supply. You are very right in that the American designs in many respects are far superior to the ones available to us here. I also have quite a collection of craft magazines etc that I have bought over the years. Really it needs a good sort out that is one of things on the to do list but not all of it is together.

    I too cannot sit and not do anything; my Nan and my Dad were the same. Like you I feel guilty if I am not doing something whilst for the best part either listening to the TV or the radio. I quite frequently in the winter months also have something on the go that I can pick up and put down. However I really must get rid of some of those WIP (work in progress) items so that I can get them sorted and put either into use or into the "Dream Home" pile. I am going to get there eventually. Hope that the decorating goes well and it is good of Danny to come and move the furniture for you. Happy painting.


    P.S. You have some lovely buys there and your bag really is coming on
