

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Gardening and worrying

Just a line to say our son is coming home early from his holiday as he is quite unwell and needs to see a Dr.  Needless to say, I have been worried sick and spent yesterday gardening like a maniac, doing what I threatened to do and removing everything that has lots of leaves and a short flowering period.  This includes inmates which moved here with us from Dorset (I said I'd be brutal).  Yesterday it was the turn of the scented-leaf Geraniums.  They spread and sprawl terribly.  Also gone are the variegated leaf Iris from the side of the pond, although they are also IN the ponds, and I will allow them to stay there, and I have removed all the roots of interlopers I could find along that stretch too and put down a couple of buckets of spent compost and planted it up with spring bulbs - Allium and tulip.

I can't eat when I am worried either, so this is good for the waistline if nothing else.

A little sewing and a little unpicking on the pocket happened last night and I'm nearing completion.  I just need to sew it on the bag, sew the handles firmly in place and finally sew the sides together.  There should be a "ta dah" moment very soon.


  1. Fingers crossed that your son will soon be with you and on the mend. My garden is receiving some of that treatment.

  2. It's so worrying Pam, when he is so far away and the symptoms sound not at all good. Frightening. We can't wait to get him home and down to A&E.

  3. It's good you found a productive outlet for your worry. Hope your son is home, diagnosed and on the mend very soon BB. I remember this time last year very well. My son had spent a month in India and developed a mystery skin condition when he got home. It took four months for MRSA to be diagnosed and the appropriate antibiotics to be prescribed. All fine now though.

  4. Oh heck, what a worry, hope he is soon home and treated

  5. BB fingers crossed that Danny is home safe and sound at home soon. I know what that one is home soon. Hugs sweetie xxx

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Praying that your son will have a safe trip home and soon be well.


  8. My thoughts are with you. Do hope your son is home safely soon and will soon be well.

  9. He's home, just had a bath, in a lot of pain when he lays down from a damaged shoulder, and hasn't slept for 5 nights (that's Hostel mattresses for you). His favourite pud is in the oven and an early meal about to be had, and then he is off to bed, and off to A&E in the morning. Thank you all for your kinds thoughts.

  10. Good news that Son is safely home! Hope all is well, soon! I did read with some amusement of your frantic work in the garden. Now that's the way to release some anxiety in a hurry. Been there and done that, for sure!

  11. Jennie 3 - Garden NIL!!! I am winning out there Chip. Son tucked up in bed by 6 p.m. as he was so exhausted.

  12. I wondered earlier if Danny had arrived home--can't keep the time differences straight. Shoulder/back/neck pain can be SO debilitating--hope a resolution is quickly found. Being at home and under your care should be an immediate help.
