

Jennie's recipes

Monday 18 September 2017

Monday roundup

All finished - the embroidered pocket.  I'm not happy that the little house looks so stark and very yellow, so I may embroider some extra windows and/or some roses up the wall. With the benefit of hindsight, a tiny-printed pale fabric would have been better than the yellow, but hey-ho, I only have to please myself at the end of the day . . .

Yesterday was a Malvern Fleamarket day, and of course we were up in the middle of the night to drive up there, and came back more or less 12 hours after we had gotten up.  It makes for a very long (but enjoyable) day.  We clocked up 22,000 + steps according to my Fitbit.  About 15 Km.  We walked up and down the rows, and round and round, 2 1/2 times at Malvern, then went on to the car boot sale at Ledbury, and did the same again - it was very busy there, but very little to buy (we didn't get there until it was half way through).

The spotty jug is one I bought at Malvern, for me, as is the beautiful big scarf below.  I loved the vibrant colours.

Above and below: bargains of a different kind, from Aldi.  The cutting mat was only £2.99 (I needed a smaller one) and the craft storage box only £3.99.  I just put the bits and bobs I had in a smaller ceramic drawer which is on the table beside me, waiting for a cat to come and knock it off!

Above: this beautiful glass perfume bottle, French and 1930s (according to the French dealer selling it yesterday), came home with me and will be going to the big Antiques Fair at the Botanic Gardens next month.  It is signed on the bottom (M Lupi) but it is not a well known name in glass making . . .

Below: this more modern piece of glass came from the same dealer (and neither were cheap!) but I think it's beautiful and hope it too will attract a buyer soon.

Finally, my little helper Little Whale.  He is either curled up on our bed, or keeping an eye on me when I am in my office, or best of all for him, as it is WARM in there, accompanying me when I have a bath, to make sure I wash properly!


  1. Hi BB love your embroidery for your bag. Roses and a couple of windows will make more of it but it is lovely. Are you going to make the girls similar ones but individual - just a thought. Squeak my old lady has been a bit off colour the last week or so and so I have had her under close surveillance near me most of the time, kept her warm and she has had special tidbits and now seems to be picking up a bit. She has transferred herself to the fleece bed instead of in bed with me under the blanket! I can only do what I can do for her. She is a very loving adorable cat who has been ever so good with the kits. Little Whale is very similar in colouring to Tinky 2. Some lovely finds there and I like the spotty jug. Will go lovely in your kitchen.

    Take care

    Pattypan xx

    1. Glad you like the embroidery Tricia. Sorry to hear that Squeak is a bit off-colour and hope she soon recovers.

  2. Love those glass pieces and the spotty jug and the craft box just like yours that I got when Aldi had their craft stuff in last year is very handy

    1. Ref. the glass, I make sure what I buy is something that I really like, just in case I get stuck with it! I didn't know that Aldi did a craft items sale like this every year.

  3. The colors you have chosen for the embroidered pocket are quite wonderful; I would hesitate to change anything. I really think the reason I am not a quilter is because I drive myself crazy arranging and rearranging colors and fabrics. I am my own worse critic and can never seem to please myself. It's fun that Little Whale keeps an eye on you. Someone has to do it. Right? :~) Millie Dog has that job around here. She is an outside doggie, but always knows where I am in the house and sometime goes from window to window to keep an eye on me.

    1. Hi Chip. I have only myself to please, but I always aim at perfection (which is frustrating when I DO get things wrong on occasion!) We sound alike . . . Little Whale is the upstairs cat. The others do come up, but not as frequently as him and he is the only one who goes on our bed.

  4. Some lovely finds there and I like the spotty jug. Will go lovely in your kitchen.


  5. I have spotty jug envy, I must try to remember the fair at the Botanic garden, I better get a note on the fridge.

    1. It would be lovely to see you at the Botanic Garden Fair. You pay four pounds (I think it is) and get free entry to all the Gardens for that, not just the Antiques Fair areas.

  6. I just love the embroidered pocket - especially the hollyhocks. Nice glassware too :)

    1. Hollyhocks are something I can't grow here - they get Rust. I love them as a flower though. I am hoping the glassware will sell quickly, but you can never tell what appeals to folk.

  7. I`m not surprised you fell for the spotty jug. It`s lovely and so cheerful.
    I`m sure the glassware will appeal to collectors.

    Little Whale reminds me of our old Dusty. Do you remember him?

    1. It was just the right colour-way for the new revamped kitchen and nice and cheerful too.

      Yes, I remember Dusty. We had a Dusty when I was growing up - Dusty, Smoky and Sooty . . . Dusty was the mum of the other two.

  8. i really like your good idea thank for sharing on the website.

