

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 23 September 2017

Some mountain scenery - and some more . . .

In order now.  These first photos show the scenery along the lane from Myddfai towards Llandeusant.  The photo above shows the view across to the Western edge of the Carmarthen Fans.

Some random photos taken on a little drive out today after we had been to the Unit to change stuff around.  These are now rearranged more or less in order and the photo above was the final photo as we headed home.  These were taken near Llandeusant and looking towards "our" Black Mountain, the last one in the Brecon Beacon range (Carmarthen Fans).  The photo above shows the neighbouring hills in the distance.  Keith was glad we were heading towards home at this point!

These two taken of the Carmarthen Fans with cloud topping!

[Back tomorrow, doubtless bleary-eyed as it's the bi-ennial car rally going past our house tonight (zig-zag bends, so lots of throttling down and vrrrrrm-vrrrrrrm noises between 1.30 and 4.30 a.m. )  The cats have been barricaded in the kitchen, needless to say . . .]

It was a hard job to wake up this morning. We swiftly abandoned all ideas of visiting the car boot sale as we were both SO tired.  The cars were late coming through - 3.15 a.m. was the first one, and the very very last at 7.15 a.m., going slowly and probably looking for car-shaped holes in hedges . . .  They were SO noisy.  I'm glad it's only every couple of years.

Anyway, I got the ironing up to date whilst listening to the Archers omnibus (poor Roy) and then put up the winter kitchen curtains and got the summer ones in the wash.

Then I spoke to Danny and went into town and picked him up and we did a quick shop in Tescopolis and then went down for a beach walk at Llansteffan.  It came on to rain as we were nearing the beach, so we just decided we would get wet.  Actually, once on the beach it didn't really seem like it was raining much but we got a bit soggy all the same.   I have taken some misty photos which I will share with you tomorrow.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the mountain photos.  The best ones are when you are up at Llyn-y-Fan-Fach itself, but not the weather for that at the moment.

Oh, and the cats keeping safe overnight?  Well, when I pulled my office curtains back this morning I was puzzled to see Alfie sat outside, waiting for his breakfast.  When I reached the kitchen, it was completely EMPTY.  They had managed to get behind my barricade (which included a hefty SHIELD!) and escape.  Both cat flats had been blocked, but they just shouldered their way behind.  Why do I bother?!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Bought a book at the secondhand book sale about Edward Thomas all due to your blog!

  3. Aha! I've got you started now. He was quite an oddball character, due to his "nerves" . . . I hope you find him fascinating too.

  4. Myddfai always reminds me of my Organic Horticultural course. We had reached the history of herbal medicine module, and our tutor (who had mild dyslexia) was reading out notes on medieval British medicine when a word stopped him in his tracks. As the two preceding words were Physicians of, it was pretty obvious what followed, and I told him the correct pronunciation.
