

Jennie's recipes

Friday 22 September 2017

Yesterday's river walk

As you can see, we had a lot of rain overnight on Wednesday into Thursday.  The river rose significantly and if you fell in, you would be in Carmarthen Bay in double-quick time!

This is my favourite photo-spot along  the river and you can see how high up the river sides it is.

The remains of the tiny cottage where a widow-woman once lived in the 1840s.  She earned her living by charring (rough cleaning) in neighbouring farmsteads.  I always imagine her falling asleep to the sound of the river. 

You can just about see the tiny fireplace in the back wall.

One of my best close-up shots - taken on Scenes (Action setting!!)  Well, it was a bit windy . . .

What a weird beastie - well, it's the hopeful stem of the Himalayan Balsam, hopeful in that when the stem falls over, it will be able to root itself in soil.  A bonus to chucking out loads of explosive seeds everywhere!

Sunshine on the lane going home.

Danny has gone home to his digs today.  He is in the process of changing Dr's surgeries, and is going to have some mates round tonight to cheer him up - I sent him home with a tray bake of Chocolate Raspberry Brownies. 

Off to try and sort out my lace as I screwed-up about an inch back and left out a pin, which is fairly dire to the results!


  1. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your river. How Wild it looks after the rain. I wonder if the little old lady loved it too.

    1. It'll be wild again today as it's been raining steadily since lunchtime. I like to see it getting angry, but sometimes it's so high and when you drive past it feels like the water is almost at eye level with the car! Then it will soon start coming up through the drains and flooding the lane and we have to go out "over the top" instead. I wonder if the little old lady was ever scared by it, when it got to thundering past although I don't think it would have flooded where she was.

  2. Wonderful photos of the river. And a lovely glimpse into the past with the old cottage remains.

  3. Hi Julie - there's another ruined cottage opposite this one, and at some point in the last century, the occupants married . . .

    1. How interesting.. I love to look around old ruins and buildings.

  4. Your river is beautiful and your photos really show its power. And snap as I've just made a tray of raspberry and pistachio chocolate brownies. I use Anna Jones' recipe (available online). She is the vegan author of "A Modern Way to Cook" and "A Modern Way to Eat" and has just returned to writing a regular piece in the Guardian's Saturday Cook section. Good to hear your son is better. I'm really hoping mine finds digs soon but London rents are astronomical.

    1. It's been a lot worse than this - terrifying then.

      I don't know where my chocolate raspberry brownies recipe came from - I think it was a blackberries one to start with and I adapted it (thought - probably my Muffins book).

      I hope your son can find digs in London but as you say, it's an arm and a leg job just for a cupboard with a fold-up bed in it!

      Mine had gone home now, and hoping to get his vision tested a.s.a.p.

  5. Raging Torrents in Wales.........just a small shower in Suffolk!

    1. Well, I guess that's why we are Very Green over here!! I can remember going to b-=in-law's in Brightlingsea and his lawns were brown compared with our emerald . . .

  6. What a lovely walk indeed. That river really is running! Such wonderful photos on your journey.

    1. It's a lovely walk, and the river looks different day by day Serenata.

  7. Don't mention lace - tried it once - so frustrating.

    1. Practice my dear, Practice. I am beginning to enjoy it now!

  8. Replies
    1. Years ago I took photos of a smaller river which joins the Cothi, over towards Pontargothi, and that really WAS wild! I will see if I can find them.

  9. Big hugs to Danny.x
    The river looks amazing, so wild and dangerous. We've had a lot of rain here, but the ground just swallows it up. It's still very lush around us though. Our lake always looks so serene, despite the weather, but because it was the old quarry that our house was built from, there are places that are just too treacherous to swim in. We have safe areas with man made beaches, which at this time of year are empty. I'll probably check them out at some point!
    Love to you

    1. Thanks Yarrow. He's got in touch with his friends, so should have some company this weekend. It's getting soggier underfoot here as we've had quite a bit more rain lately. Hope you can at least paddle in the lake next summer.

  10. ps. I'll be starting my own knit and natter group soon, which should help me to make friends and hopefully improve my French ;)

    1. That's a great idea. Hope you get lots of takers.

  11. Wow, now that's a raging river, for sure! Now, you have succeeded in making me want to know more about the little lady who lived beside that wild river.

    1. I will look her up again - I think she was Annie - there were two of them living fairly close as neighbours, and one - or both - knitted stockings, which would be sold at the local market. They had to walk 9 miles to get there though.

  12. Beautiful river walk.
    I always like when you post photos of the river and the grounds around it.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Everyone likes the river photos. I haven't had time to walk much this year, but will be walking past it regularly again now.

  13. I remember when you were writing stories about the woman in the old cottage--I'd love to read another chapter.
    Good to hear that Danny is getting his feet back under him.

    1. I was thinking that the other day, I must get back to that. Two people have said why am I not writing (Danny thinks my research talents are wasted and I should get back to my Victorian Horse book!) I think Danny will gradually get to grips with things over the next couple of weeks, but won't be his old self till he gets a clean bill of health.

  14. Beautiful photos of your river and interesting to see the photos of where the old lady used to live. Glad to hear your son is feeling better.

    1. RR - I will try and find my original notes to flesh her out a bit, so to speak.

  15. I have none. Not sure if the Records Office might, but it was a very humble dwelling, so it probably only lives on in the Census documents.

  16. I didnt think we had much rain, perhaps it fell on your side of the mountain, there was drizzle but nothing substantial up here
