

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 14 September 2017

Yet another LEAK!

Finally the plumber came back today.  Our fault, as although we had phoned him a couple of times, Keith neglected to tell him quite how bad the leak under the sink was (from the hot water pipe).  The last time Keith called him he only said it had "got worse".  Well, I phoned last night and asked when he was coming out as we had a gallon a day leak and a too-small bowl to catch it overnight (as the pipe was low down and only a shallow bowl would fit under.)  He said he would be out first thing this morning, and he was. 

Unfortunately, when I got back from a protracted shopping trip to town (with a list of car stuff to sort for Keith), one leak had been fixed, but ANOTHER one had manifested itself.  This was one which Keith could hopefully fix, as it was the waste pipe to the sink which must have got nudged when the plumber was jammed under the sink today.  Keith has had it apart and it seems to have stopped for now, but we still have the bowl beneath that one, and we may need a new seal or something.

Meanwhile I have been going through a box with two half-finished quilts in (sorry girls) which I am going to get finished this autumn.  I was looking for my log cabin strip templates (missing in action), a wash-off marker pen (found two marker pencils) and Omnigrid quilting ruler.  Damned if I found any of them, so will have to continue my search tomorrow, up in my sewing room in the attic.

However, as the photos above and below show, If found a few excellent magazines and the book above, which I had forgotten I had a they were in a box of fabric.  It was good to see them again and the beautiful quilts within their covers.

Below:  meanwhile I have made a start on doing the applique and embroidery on the pocket to go on the hexi shopping bag.   The wonky trunk on the tree is about to be ripped out and restitched (note to self: don't watch tv when sewing). 

The very faint marks you can see are made with a silver grey marker pen, and will be covered by embroidery thread.  I've now sewn the leaves on the little French knot flowers.

This is how it should look when finished.  Hah!  I am currently sewing the tiny 1/2 hexis onto a fine linen strip to top the pocket and will start on the flowers tonight.  Now I wish I had used invisible nylon thread to do the applique.  Anyway, it's just for me and I shan't complain if it's not perfect.  I'm enjoying doing it anyway.

We have just had a very heavy downpour of rain again.  First rain, then hailstones.  I noticed the last two House Martins who have had a very late brood over in the farm buildings, were out flying around looking for insects.  The hailstones sent them diving back to the barns though and who can blame them?  All the other House Martins and the Swallows left for Africa in the last 10 days or so.  Even the Crows were upset by the weather and a number of them, 20 or 30, flew over the farm and away down the valley, either trying to outfly the weather or heading for cover.

Tomorrow the new loo for the shower room should be delivered.  Keith is going to start work in there next week.


  1. I rather think our house martins have gone as I haven't seen them for a day or two.

    1. They usually only stay late if they have a very late brood. I love the way they and the Swallows lace the heavens.

  2. Still swallows about on my walk today! Love your header pic of Pen_y_Fan

    1. Heading south though Simon? I'm rather pleased with that photo too.

  3. House Martins were still around today despite the wind and rain. Hope you get your leaks sorted

    1. Fingers x'd over the leak (am SO fed up with this business as I have boxes and boxes of stuff waiting to go away). I love the summer birds and really miss them when they leave.

  4. If Keith is at all like the men of my family he has no love for plumbing fix-its. Jim, Howard and SIL Matt can install or repair most any plumbing stuff, but it brings on a great deal of grumbling.
    I have several of the Kim Diehl books and actually completed one of her applique quilts while living in Wyoming. I worked on it evenings and the cats thought I was doing it to entertain them. I like that her 'folk-art' style has pieces large enough to manage well [for the most part!]

  5. Ah yes, we had the grumbling all right! It's fine as long as it goes to plan, but when there's a hitch!!

    I love Kim Diehl's colour palate and the relative simplicity of her designs. LOVE the quilt on the cover. It will have a long wait to be made though, as I have the girls' quilts to finish, and the beautiful quilt for our bed you kindly sent me the material for years ago. With that, I was waiting "until we moved" so it was a house-warming quilt. Dream on . . .
