

Jennie's recipes

Friday 15 September 2017


Now, THAT'S looking better.  A lot more interesting now I have that top border finished on it, and I am enjoying the embroidery.  It has been so many years since I last did any.  I sewed the top border last night, and the flowers this morning as I was up early.  The rain was absolutely pounding down around 6 a.m. but it has dried up and cleared a bit now.

Keith and I have found a good new series to follow on Amazon Prime - called Copper it is set in 1860s New York, just after the end of the Civil War.  It's a sort of American version of Ripper Street, and very entertaining.

This morning I am going to do some baking for the freezer, and as I have lots of fallers (with a little help from the birds) off our eating apple tree, I shall chop those up and start an earthenware jar full of mincemeat.  You start off with apples, adding brown sugar, dried fruit etc, ground cinnamon and ground cloves and I keep adding to it as more apples are available.  Cookers are fine to use too.  Just don't bother with the mushy Gala type apples you get in the supermarkets.  Fresh and home grown is best.  The last of last year's is in a glass jar in the fridge and will probably go into a Mincemeat Cake today.  Yummy.


  1. Very yummy. This is the best way of making mincemeat ever. Far superior to what is available in the shops. Funnily enough I stocked up on soft brown sugar and brown sugar the other day and bought new fruit for the cakes etc. However I always use the older fruit out of the pantry for making the mincemeat. Are you going to share the recipe for everyone else BB - you kindly gave it to me years ago but the other ladies might like to have a go. I must say your bag is coming on in leaps and bounds and looks superb. I do miss going to my Nan's at this time of year as it was apple harvest time. We would go at least two full weekends in September and then the remainders in October so we used to get the best of them. Us kids were always on faller patrol though when we were younger and were taught from an early age what to use and what to put on the compost heap or go to the pigs.(they had them at that time). Its part of the rhythm of the season and I do so miss doing that. That's why the dream house will have to have an apple/fruit Orchard - even if it has not got one, one would be added. One day. Have you done anymore to the lacemaking. I am very intrigued. Take care. Pattypan xxx

    1. I'm using windfalls, as they won't last long. I will put the recipe up again (I think I do most years!)

      I'm pleased with my progress with the bag but am having to drag myself away from crafting to get on with Real Life! I do a little lacemaking every day too.

      I hope you get your dream home in the country one day.

  2. I so rarely eat sweet things that it really isn't worth me making any this year now that I live alone.

  3. I've never made mincemeat, but it sounds delicious. Your embroidery piece IS looking good! When the days grow cold, I like to have something by my chair to stitch.

  4. Good to see you relaxing and enjoying your embroidery BB!
    I can`t believe it is Mincemeat Time again.Where has this year gone to?x

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. When the days grow cold, I like to have something by my chair to stitch.

