

Jennie's recipes

Friday 13 October 2017

A wander round a small Welsh town

. . . or is it a large village?  Anyway, it's Llandovery, and as yesterday was our day to man the shop and it was incredibly quiet, we took it in turns to go out and stretch our legs and get some exercise.  I took my camera along, so here are a few photos of the "back streets" . . .

I started off just trying to take a photograph of the pretty windowboxes. Then I noticed that I could see right through the house, across the garden and a steel gate and field beyond. 

Beautiful begonias.  I love this colour.  Must grow some next year in a bigger hanging basket than I have now.

Just before I turned off into the town, the view across to the hills above the Rhandirmwyn road.

With my back to the hills, I crossed the road.  I always think this house looks Cornish with its slate weather-proofing.  The two trees are very graceful.

With the alterations to this house (under the windows, blocked in middle window, new double doorways) I think this was much different in the past, and probably one larger house with a single entrance.  I don't know how far they go back, but if no extension, then weeny cottages inside.

I carried on exploring, past a row of terraced houses, in various pastel colours.  It was very quiet along here with just a few people dog-walking, or taking their children home from school.

Snoozing up by a window, I spotted this chap (possibly two?)  A cosy place to be.

Right in the middle of the town, this track led to a house (out of view) - perhaps an old farmhouse which the town had surrounded?  I was tempted to go and explore!

Part of a lovely window display.  I just loved this woven blanket (based on a log cabin design).

An artful corner display in the same shop.  I should imagine the shabby chic chest of drawers is a silly price.   The Welsh tapestry blanket is a nice one but not sure if this is the remains after they made cushions out of it (which folk do when they find one too damaged to sell as a whole blanket).

The market square with its lovely architecture.  It's a nice little town and we always enjoy exploring a bit more of it whenever we are there.

I hope you haven't floated away today - it's been a bit wet here!


  1. What a lovely walk. Wonderful photos and I want to know where the track leads also.
    Too bad they destroyed the beautiful home. I think they could have done a better job of it.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Well, I suppose it may have belonged to a family who needed to split it into two separate dwellings. Who knows? I agree, they could have done a better job!

  3. Thanks for taking me along via these photos, it looks like a nice village to visit.

    1. There are some nice narrow lanes leading to the castle, the other side of the A40 road which goes through it, so I shall go there for photos next time.

  4. Thank you for the tour - loved it!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. I like armchair travel!

  5. I enjoyed the trip around your delightful little town. It looks so well kept. We would love to have a bit of your dampness here, but then fall is usually quite dry here.

    1. This town is about 20 miles from where we live. We are often travelling through it though, to places on the Welsh/English border.

  6. Such lovely pictures, we loved Llandovery when we visited it. Happy memories :D

  7. I put this up with you in mind Yarrow. I'll head for Hamster Lane next !!

  8. Thanks for taking me along via these photos, it looks like a nice village to visit.


  9. We are coming to LLandudno next June - are you near?
