

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Busy days

Wednesday is my patchwork class, and I am slowly making progress with my Pineapple Log Cabin lap quilt, using the lovely red-work embroidered centres from Dawn.  We are probably going to have a whole day sewing session too, where we make something from start to finish in a day - probably a Christmassy something, or a bag or whatever we decide on.  I'm looking forward to that.

I couldn't resist a little more fabric (have uses for this lot already planned). I especially like the fabric on the left.

A lovely patchwork magazine and supplement which I just couldn't resist last week.  Below, no more could I resist these older McCall's magazines, which I bought from Ebay very cheaply.  My magazines stay with me for years and years, and are good reference sources.

A cookery magazine came my way too.  The cover dish looks scrumptious I have to say.  I do find that a lot of the main meal recipes are a bit complicated for every-day use though, whichever magazine you look in.  I am a basic farmhouse style cook, can't be doing with faffing about too much, though I don't mind going to town on special occasions.

After Pattypan mentioned this magazine over on her blog Tarragon and Thyme, I thought I would have a look at it when I was in town, and couldn't resist it.  I love Christmas, and "home made" is always the theme here.

I am still reading lots, and thoroughly addicted to Peter May's whodunit novels.  Very skilfully written and hard to put down.  I can recommend them.  Currently on the French ones (Enzo Macleod).

I am just about to start this one today.

I have a busy day ahead as I need to rearrange my display at the Unit, go into Brecon to view the auction, and also trot round Brecon to get my prescription, some more white paint for woodwork here, and a quick trot into the patchwork shop as I am running out of a white print fabric (I think that was where I bought it).

Yesterday I was painting white everything that was white upstairs after I had virtually destroyed the lid of the tin of white paint (it was difficult to remove after its first opening) - I wasn't going to waste paint by chucking it, so I painted like a demon.  I had intended to do the window surround in the office, which had been cream, and it looks much better white.  Then I went into the bathroom and did the window surround, door frame and as much of the louvred
doors on the airing cupboard as I could before I had used every drop.

I managed a little gardening this week too, the Autumn tidy up and some fresh tulip bulbs planted (spikey yellow ones). 

I had best get some slap on now, and face the world!


  1. The fabric is gorgeous! I'd never thought to look on eBay for magazines ! Or to sell some too! Thanks for the top tip!

  2. Ebay is useful for magazines of various descriptions. I had a selection of reds I had bought for another project so snaffled them up for this log cabin throw.

  3. BB I am tired just reading what you intend to do.

  4. I managed it all in good time, and Keith and I took it in turns to go out for a walk round the town as it was very quiet at the shop.

  5. Oh, I love the fabric on the left too, it's my favourite colour at the moment. I thought I'd read Peter May, but it was Peter Mayle who wrote A Good Year, doh!
    Those magazines are so lovely, I hope I can grab a Christmas one when I come back to the UK for a visit.
    Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment, most of my updates are on the Wild Woman blog at the moment, but I'll be doing more art on the Studio blog soon.x

  6. I just love the turquoise/jade oolourway at the moment. I think I may use that to do the sashing on Gabby's quilt, but have to lay it all out to see if it will work before I cut it!

    I didn't realize you would be coming back to the UK to visit - hope you can get a stash of Christmas magazines then - the Country Living one is the best I've seen (but saying that, some of the others are sealed, and I don't buy those on principle as I like to see what I am paying for!)

    Peter May's novels are BRILLIANT. My favourites are the ones set in the Western Isle of Scotland, but I'm in the middle of reading his Enzo Macleod ones now, set in France, so they would suit you!

  7. Your blocks are looking fantastic, I have boxes and boxes of quilting knitting magazines and keep thinking about getting rid of, I dont buy magazines anymore as I am a magazine hoarder :-)

  8. A magazine hoarder. Oh dear, could that be me too?!!! Glad you think the blocks are looking good. I've been working on them this morning too.

  9. Some good magazines there - must admit I bought a Christmas one recently!! I used to be a magazine hoarder until OH made me get rid of all the piles :(

    Thanks for the book recommendation - have added the author to my Amazon Wish List as I am nearly up to date with the Vera Stanhope and Ruth Galloway books!

  10. RR - you will SO enjoy his work. My favourites are the ones set in the Western Isles, but the French ones are good too. Have one of the China ones on my bedside table waiting for me to finish the one I'm on now. He is a seriously good writer.

  11. ! I'd never thought to look on eBay for magazines ! Or to sell some too! Thanks for the top tip!
