

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 3 October 2017

An enjoyable walk

I walked home from my neighbour's today - I had gone out for a walk, met her coming home on the way, went to hers for tea and chat, and then walked back again.  A lovely route, but a stonking hill to climb up - did me the world of good though I didn't exactly enjoy it at the time.  That said, it is actually an easier hill to walk up than our hill - don't know why as it looks steeper, but I know ours is a killer!

On the way I stopped and trespassed a bit to take a photo or two of a stream I have only walked over in the past, never along.  I changed the setting from Automatic, to the speed one on Landscape.  WHAT a difference in colour!

My neighbour's sheep were very curious at this foxglove-jacketed lady walking past!  And talking of Foxgloves, this MUST be the last one of the season.

Not too many brown or golden leaves here yet.  It was lovely walking along the lane, and I got into a good walking stride.  I should imagine it's the same for runners (or even racehorses!) when they settle into a rhythm.

This hill I can walk up quite easily - compared with ours, that is, which is a valley side.

A Rhododendron a little confused I think!

The view up our valley (above and below).

Lastly (below) my reward, and yes, it really IS that diddy.  Just two glasses' worth.   Never thought I'd see the day . . .


  1. Cheers BB. Beautiful photos of your valley and the river. I sympathise with the dent in your arm and hope it's starting to feel better. I have a slight depression on my nose having just undergone six weeks of aggressive chemotherapy via a topical cream for a skin cell cancer on my nose. And tomorrow I'm at the hospital again to see an ophthalmologist about a couple of nevi on the back of my eye. Enforced rest day tomorrow therefore, just as well I've squeezed in six hours of weeding this week. This summer has been the worst for weeds in living memory!

    1. Sorry to hear about your nose Sarah. Now your eye. I tell you, we reach a certain age and the wheels start to fall off . . . All the more reason to enjoy life, every minute of it. No weeding for me, due to said arm, but I hope to get back out there next week. NOT a good year for weeds, I agree. . . . unless you ARE a weed!

  2. I think I'd have liked that walk. Hills have never been my forte although I could previously stride along for miles on level or rolling terrain. I have a few foxgloves peeking out of my weedy garden--cheerful things.

    1. How lovely it would be to have had you with me today. I'm not good at hills but force myself to do them because it helps my lung capacity. I could certainly have done with you this past week with my return to Tam's quilt. Golly gosh, NOW I remember why it got abandoned. I have been putting it "right" only to find it is STILL wrong, only in a different bloomin' place!

      Foxgloves are good, wherever they grow.

  3. What a lovely walk. The foxglove is beautiful.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. A friend once said that summer can be marked in the flowering of the Foxgloves. When the last one goes over, summer has ended. I think this one fell asleep and has just woken up!

  4. That looks a lovely walk. We have late flowering rhododendrons here. The insects seem happy to see them.

  5. I still have enough Nssturtiums flowering to make me feel guilty to hoike them out. That Rhododendron bush had been cut right back and this was new growth, hence the flower I think.

  6. You water photos are great, can see every drop.
