

Jennie's recipes

Monday 2 October 2017

Berkeley Castle 2

I am in two minds whether to put this 2nd post up, as it is always the normal things of life which seem to attract more comments , so obviously more popular.  I'll just put a few photos up and move on.

There we are, you get the gist of the place.  Grand but not grandiose.  Some lovely rooms.  I found the kitchens interesting - there was a pestle and mortar big enough to pound something the size of a pumpkin in!

I  have been carrying on with my patchwork, but obviously lost concentration yesterday as everything I sewed got unpicked today!  Sigh.  Still, practice makes perfect as they say.  I must not rush and I MUST pay attention.

I am also doing x-stitch, but was rather irritated to find that I could not purchase DMC embroidery floss anywhere in town.  I should be able to track some down in Llandeilo, as long as the Wool Shop still stocks it.  I think I will just cheat and use the next colour number up.  No one will know but me!


  1. Hiya - I'm playing blog catch up, so many things happening for everyone. The first photo struck me as soon as it popped up in my reading list. It was the copper/tin that looked so good, are they bed pan heaters hanging up? If we are ever lucky enough to visit places like this, the kitchens are where my heart is. I do think I was born in the wrong century sometimes x

    1. I always feel most at home in the kitchens in these old houses and castles too Tracy. No wonder, as I love cooking. The copper pieces hanging up were the copper lids from big pans. I had a couple of the enormous pans (sans lids) on the Hergom for many years - we used to dry the socks on them! I sold one recently though and the other is still awaiting a new owner at the Unit.

      I think we might have found working on one of these old kitchens a big ask though, imagine lifting those heavy pans FULL of stuff. I got the impression that this kitchen was REALLY hot when everything was being cooked, although it did have a tall tall ceiling (photo to follow) for the hot air to rise in to.

  2. I didn't notice any smell this time Marleen. It was about 40 years since I was last there and I think they used to do the tour the other way round, as I seem to remember coming to the dungeon and the room where Edward II was kept last.

  3. Super photos of the castle - I always enjoy your posts on places you visit :)

  4. Thanks RR. I will try and slip a few more in over the next day or so. Just going Out For A Walk now - as the sun is shining. It shouldn't affect my arm and hopefully will help my fitness levels (after days of sitting and sewing and resting).

  5. I love kitchens on old houses and buildings!
