

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 18 March 2018

A job well done this morning

I thought it would snow in the night, and indeed, when I got up at 6.30, there was a sprinkling of snow on the ground (more than last time) and it was snowing steadily.  It carried on snowing until after lunch but wasn't settling on the lane or the paths - well, what did settle soon melted.  This was the view across the top of the yard and the farm buildings about 8 a.m.

Around lunchtime I had a walk up the hill and took a few photos - as you can see, some fields seem warmer than others!  These are the fields above Dyffryn, further up the valley.

I kept myself busy whilst listening to the Archers Omnibus by recovering this little 1960s lidded box which had got rather grubby.  I painted it a couple of days ago and today I took the old fabric off and replaced it with some I got in an array from offcuts from the Curtain shop near Lidl.  This was perhaps originally a sewing box.

I stuck with the grey/black/white theme and used this fabric, with a black and white ribbon which only just covered the edges of everything I wanted to cover (5m) - I had just an inch left!  All neatly glued in place with Copydex.  It will either go to the next Fair we do or else go to the Unit.

The 4 fabrics I chose - £10 worth in total.  The lovely grey silky looking fabric had been a sample made up into a little curtain so it may just end up in the revamped shower room.  Keith has been tiling in there today and it is going to look lovely when it's done.

Not much else in the way of news, except I have nearly finished Rose Tremain's "Trespass" which I can recommend. 

Keep warm.

The view down the farm track from the top of our yard.


  1. Freezing here today, wind chill factor making it even colder. Went to lunch at sister in laws - notoriously cold old farmhouse- came home mid afternoon - just too cold to stay longer.
    The sewing box looks good should sell quickly I reckon.

    1. They reckon we will have another dose of this Sue - I DO hope not, as all I want now is SPRING! Sorry you had such a cold family lunch out. I have my fingers crossed that the sewing box will sell quickly.

  2. It snowed until 2am here, heavily at times. The town looked so pristine and white at that time. Like a sludge pit this morning though

    1. You had a lot more snow than us then Simon. Town snow doesn't stay pristine for long does it?

  3. Well, the snow may not have been given a hearty welcome, but It surely gave you opportunity to add a few more gorgeous snow pictures to your files. I especially like the last kind of photo! I do like the box, and can see its being used as a sewing box. The black and white theme is a great look, I think.

    1. When it gets on the cusp of spring, I do NOT enjoy snow anything like as much. I like a couple of days whiteness, and then it can go away!!

  4. Ah, the Archers Omnibus, I either work through a pile of ironing or work on something else while I listen to it. It works for me! The box is a delight, I really like the architectural fabric. I do wish we had a fabric shop nearby, you got some very nice pieces.

    1. In the olden days, when I had lots of ironing, I always used to do it when the Archers Omnibus was on too. Now I try and do it daily as there isn't anything like as much as there used to be. We used to have a Fabric Warehouse in town and I would buy all sorts of remnants there. Now I have to rely on the Curtain shop or what I find when out and about.

  5. We had more snow than expected over the weekend - love your snow photos and you have made a great job of renovating the box :) Thank you for reminding me of Rose Tremain - I haven't read any of her books for years.

    1. I enjoyed doing the box, and will look for others to do something similar to. I am on the lookout for more Rose Tremain books now. After never having heard of the New Zealand Gold Rush, I found ANOTHER book about it this week - The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton. It will take a lot of reading as it's a real door stop size!! 821 pages and definitely too big to read in bed!
