

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Lawks - I'm all behind like the donkey's tail!

I did a river walk yesterday, and although I took some photos of the usual bit along by the mill, I also went into our neighbour's field and took some photos of the river from the banks there.  It was very peaceful and warm in the sunshine, and I didn't push myself.

I love the way the stones are scalloped and worn away by the water.

I half-wished I had bought a book and then I would have sat down and unwound.  We have been busy working on the house - jobs which it was too cold to do in winter.  We had a "possible viewing" but haven't heard anything so I am assuming that she really DID want 10 acres and wouldn't consider 5 1/2 and renting some.

Above and below: as you can see, I had an audience.  When I turned round again and put the camera up they all decided I was out to steal their souls and ran away!

River levels have dropped right back again after being high earlier in the week.

Finally, the first Wind Anemone.  That brought a smile to my face. 


  1. Yes, I saw my first palest pink wind anemone growing with primroses and violets in the woods today. My garden is sheeted with the beautiful blue A. Blanda at the moment - must pot up some of the very dark blue ones because they are especially lovely. Your walks are a tonic. I did a six miler today through woodland, wood pasture and rolling chalk downland and it was glorious. I collected quite a few bits of sheeps wool which I’ve washed and will brush it and spin it with my fingers when dried. Is there anything on earth more frustrating than buying and selling property.

    1. Sarah - don't these "first" flowers bring such joy? They stand out so well and the masses that follow on are beautiful but don't have that wow factor in the same way. Like the first Swallow . . . I saw one on my birthday one year (early April) and as I walked out of the front gate, it flew over me and I said, "Oh you little beauty" in delight.

      A 6 mile walk is good going but it sounds like you had the right weather for it. Enjoy your finger spinning - you are carrying on an old countryside tradition of gathering wool from hedgerows - I've done it myself.

      As for the house selling/buying - it rates VRRY high on the list of most stressful things. Sighs a big sigh . . .

  2. Lawks .........who was it used to say that word.... a maid in a TV programme or in a book? can't think....don't believe I've ever said it myself!
    Very annoying - only half your photos are appearing on my computer tonight so I can't see the lambs and the flower. I shall try again tomorrow

    1. Oh - I hope the photos turn up tomorrow. Computers are so annoying at times. Wonderful when they work, but when they play up . . . It's a wordI haven't heard for yonks (nor that one either!) - but I was listening to a programme on Radio 4 today - Samuel Johnson somehow reborn and interviewing famous people from the past with a view to writing a biography on them. Today it was Agatha Christie, and it was she who said "Lawks". A word I haven't heard for years either (shades of Upstairs Downstairs I wonder?)

  3. Loved the sheep photos and the beautiful anemone.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. The sheep were so curious - I think they were hoping I would feed them!

  4. The joy of being out in the countryside! Those first sightings are very special, they really gladden the heart. That little flock were studying you very carefully, funny to think that their facial recognition skills are on a par with that of monkeys and yet we tend to think of them as being silly.

    1. It was a true joy too Elaine, especially seeing that little Anemone. The sheep were very amusing and I like to think I brightened their day up a bit!

  5. It's lovely to see some Spring photos after the snow we've all had.

  6. I hope we have finished with snow now, though there is talk of another really cold spell over Easter. The birds think it's spring though and were singing their hearts out as it grew dark tonight.

  7. I adore those anemones BB - it brought a smile to my face too.
