

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Below Par

I have not been at my best the past 24 hours and after plodding through the day, I've just sat on the sofa covered in quilts and cats, shivering, and wanting to just hold my plate of fish'n'chips (K was "cooking") as it was warm, rather than eating what it held.  Anyway, 2 Panadol and a few cat cuddles later and I have just thrown off the covers but Ghengis is still snuggled up to me, purring.  Alfie, having been encouraged to leave his perch on my shoulder (as I told him, he made a very good window - NOT!) has been on the sofa back for an hour now.

Anyway, I passed the day drinking water and just painted the day away.  I did the other kitchen door (into the hall), both sides, and then another coat down on the bathroom door in what was mum's flat.  Then, as I was still upright, I masked up and did the bay window frames.  Bear in mind everything took about three coats, so that is another paint I shan't buy again!  Now I just have the window frame over the sink to do.  So, progress.  I was doing fine until I helped K make up the bed and then I felt really quite unwell and shaky, so have been resting up ever since. 

A very blurry photo of the little car boot bargain from Sunday.  The mahogany base has polished up a treat and the old rotten fabric torn off and burnt, and I have a layer of cotton quilt batting stapled into place to provide a base for the black and white fabric (left over from the sewing box).    Hopefully I will do that tomorrow. 

Finally, a view from my walk on Sunday (when we had SUNSHINE!) - you can see why people move to Wales . . .

The view from the cottage . . .  Bannau Sir Gar (Black Mountain) again . . .


  1. The views from your walks are so wonderful, Wales is indeed beautiful.
    Sorry you are not feeling that great. Maybe a nice spring will help.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Definitely NEED a nice spring a.s.a.p. parsnip. Still feel sick this morning but hey ho, I will just have to get on with it!

  2. At least you have some great views to encourage your recovery. Looks gorgeous even on a grey day

    1. They are wonderful views - that one of the mountains, I have to climb a hill to see, but it never fails to raise my spirits.

  3. Wales is waking up beautifully I see. It is pouring here and I have to wait in for the gas man. We have still not exchanged - they are trying to find a completion date that suits everyone. We have one very poor solicitor (our buyers) and one completely useless estate agent (ours - she came back from two weeks holiday on Monday and still has not bothered to get in touch despite missing all the drama of the past fortnight) so I am not surprised. We, needless to say, made clear weeks ago the days we could not complete on (the day our son moves to London and the day we have a wedding to attend) and now suddenly everyone else is saying they can not do a, b, or c days - Lawd give me strength! Looking on the bright side it looks like I am going to be here for the first of the asparagus and I will see my garden in all its spring finery one last time. Hope you feel better soon BB - thank goodness for hand quilting and canvas embroidery (I am starting again with a piece for my mum’s little footstool).

    1. It was even more beautiful today Sarah, with a mist of the softest green along the hedgerows with the Hawthorn just putting out leaves, and then big bouquets of Blackthorn blossom. It really lifted my heart.

      I really wonder why some people (that estate agent and the solicitor) are still in a job if they can't even do the basics, let alone keep tabs on what is happening with the pies they have fingers buried in. You have at least taken the positives out of the situation.

      Enjoy the hand quilting and your mum's new footstool cover.

  4. Stunning views and lovely pictures. I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Feeling better today thank you RR, though when I was coming BACK to bed at 5 a.m. I felt crook! I woke at 3.20 and couldn't sleep so came down and watched telly.
