

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 29 March 2018

Hard at work

I am trying to give you a break from just photographs of my walks.  I have had just THE busiest day today, working flat out in the house without a break.  I felt unwell again first thing, but dosed up with a couple of Panadol and just carried on with the painting, as I wanted to get it FINISHED.  So I masked up the small kitchen window, took off the window catch for ease of painting, and then got most of a little nest of shelving which covers pipes in the corner, also painted.  Then both ends of the hanging cupboard.  Then the side of the food cupboard which was still pale green got a couple of coats of the grey white I've used on the cupboards.

Across the valley, masses of Primroses on a sunny bank.

In between, I thoroughly scrubbed the oven (and that took some doing, believe me) and the shelves, and a burnt-black drip pan.  That took me to about 4 p.m., when I made a Chocolate Banana cake (I cut the sugar so that my OH can eat some if he wants a slice), and started making a big chicken pie from scratch.  Then I made the cheese pastry topping for it, but by then my poor brain was addled and although I doubled the flour, I turned away for a moment and couldn't remember if I had doubled the fat too.  I hadn't doubled the cheese.  Anyway, it turned out OK when I got to grips with it, and I had a piece for my - belated - tea.  Now I need to go downstairs and get the bread out of the Panny.  I think I will sleep well tonight.

Oh, and I also did some tidying and sorting out of old stock to be sold a.s.a.p. so there is a corner of the Junk Room currently tidier than it was.

Happy Easter everyone.


  1. What a productive day, I take my hat off to you BB. It is truly excellent you are keeping on top of all the jobs an old farmhouse inevitably produces and when viewings happen you will all be shipshape. We exchanged today and with it came that feeling of flatness and fatigue. The weather has been grim all day and I have been feeling headachey and sick - a consequence of all the stress I am sure. But I have been getting lovely messages of support from my friends here and further afield and know in my head and my heart we are definitely doing the right thing. Now just the packing and the physical move to accomplish and all will be well. Happy Easter to you. I think tomorrow will be a chocolate cake baking day for me.

  2. YAY - you exchanged today! Brilliant news Sarah. I just wish you had a blog, so I could follow your happy days in your new home.

    I hope you perk up over the weekend - the weather doesn't help and selling/buying houses is just SO stressful. Happy Packing!

    I am now suffering for all my work today and my back is complaining bitterly. Hopefully a good night's sleep will improve it. I ama trying to get everything sorted INSIDE, so when the weather improves I can concentrate on the garden, plus fencing repairs in the top field.

  3. I really just don't know how you keep going as you do BB. One of those jobs would have been enough to give me the pleasure of a good day's work done. And I would have bought an M and S chicken pie to save all the hard work. I would certainly sleep well after all that.

    1. Hah Pat - sometimes neither do I! My late m-in-law didn't really care for me and once told me that I didn't know the meaning of hard work. You can imagine how I had to bite my tongue then! To get the pie we'd have had to do a 20 mile round trip to the shops, so home made it was!

  4. Hi BB

    You have been busy but the food sounds lovely and your efforts will look fantastic too. Hope you get that viewing soon (well with enough notice). I am off work until Tuesday now so am going to see what I can get up to whilst I am off. I hope to do some more at the needlepoint and I have my fingers crossed that I might be able to start with my new standard sewing machine as I have some fleece door curtains to make up to ty and stop some of the awful draughts. A while back I bought some red and green fleece. I managed to make up one of the door curtains but need another to use in between washing the other one so I bought some brown and some navy for the bathroom door as well. I don't care how many curtains I have to put up as long as it keeps the house warm. By the way those primroses look stunning on that hillside. Hope you feel a bit more relaxed and brighter tomorrow. Take care pattypanxx

    1. It was work well done Tricia, and I slept like a log ALL night afterwards (unheard of for me). I hope you will enjoy your Easter break and enjoy some sewing. Fleece curtains over doors are a good idea and don't take too much running up.

      The primroses look so beautiful and Tam and I plan a walk past them tomorrow.

      Happy Easter.

  5. I have about 2 hours of work in me then I crash. My goodness I don't know how you do it.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I am used to pushing myself. I pay for it the next day normally, but sometimes when we have had a sudden viewing and everywhere looks like a tip, I might work solidly for 12 hours on house and garden. Not to be recommended but I am not a tidy person . . .

  6. I think scrubbing the oven has got to be up there as one of everyone's least favourite jobs! haha

    1. Hello Tricky. Thanks for posting. Yup - that is MY least favourite job - and I think because we studiously avoid it, by the time you know it MUST be done, it is truly an awful job. Best time to do it is when in a Bad Mood!!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Elaine - will be in touch - so excited about those silk snippets!. I have deleted your comment so you don't get lots of spam mail.

  9. Easter blessings Jennie, you are such a busy person, rest over this break.X

    1. Easter Blessings to you both too Thelma. I'm resting this weekend with Tam here, then we abandon her on Monday to work twice as hard going to Malvern - and the forecast shows some Very Black Clouds over Malvern!!

  10. Your photos are wonderful, I never get too many of them! And, I so envy your having those charming, delightful native wild primroses. I wish we could have them here in Kentucky U.S.A. All we have are dandelions :(

  11. Hello Barbee' and thank you for commenting. Glad that you enjoy my photos. I will try and get the ones up from a couple of recent walks in the next few days. The Primroses are absolutely beautiful and have jut the faintest perfume. I assume your climate is too warm for them? Dandelions . . . at least they are a pretty colour, and the bees love them, and you can make Dandelion Wine!
