

Jennie's recipes

Monday 7 May 2018

A very brief breath of sea air

Llansteffan again.  The default setting for sea air.  Also, today, the default setting for most of Carmarthen town and environs as it was choc-a-bloc with people.  We managed to get the (last) parking space at the top end of the beach and had a little stroll.  We had taken the cool box and bought cheap choc ices from Tescopolis, so our ice cream treat cost us something like 10p a head!  We don't often have crap ice cream but when it's hot . . . anything will do.

We are just waiting for our neighbour with the digger business to come and take the grass off the big area of chippings we had years ago when we were doing work.  Now it's grown over (and the hard core strip across the paddock where the lorry goes for emptying the septic tank) it is long overdue a sort-out and then it will be used (the stony bit) for parking again.  When Tam and her boyfriend come down in his van, they need to be off the driveway so we can get in and out easily.  One job ticked off my to do list.

I woke early and we both got up about 5.30 a.m. and started on jobs that needed doing.  I gardened in the yard, digging over the triangle for the Marigold patch, until it got too hot.  Then I went and ripped up grass and weeds from the top end of the garden behind the apple tree.  That is looking much tidier now but needs grass roots and that awful Yellow Archangel which has romped EVERYWHERE.  Why did I ever buy THAT?!  I will pot some roots up and see if I can tempt some car boot buyers to help me in my hour of need!

Right, time for a cuppa.  Back later.  Meanwhile, this is the lovely Cheesy Asparagus Tart (like a quiche) I made last week.

Looking back up the Towy.

Odd "crop marks" - I thought for a moment they had finally knocked down Iscoed mansion (where General Picton lived) but that is higher up.  Perhaps they have put in drains or something recently?