

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 8 May 2018

We're off the market - time for a rest

We came home today to find a reply from our estate agent (I had asked for their advice on trying to find the right buyer because of the last two viewings both mentioning the farm buildings) suggesting we dropped the price yet another £75,000 (that would be a total of £125,000 less than the original valuation done by them) in order to get a sale.  I could see they wanted us off their books, and so I have said to take us off.  We will have a break, get the walls done, hopefully get planning for and relocate the driveway and then go back on next spring with one of the agents who has called us and WANTS us on their books AND offers a free floor plan.  I should be relieved, but am just a bit hornswoggled . . . having worked SO HARD recently to try and make everything perfect here it is going to be hard to readjust to having the occasional half an hour off!


  1. Sounds like a good prices should be going up not least round here they are.

    1. That would be good. This is our last move and we need every penny we can get for the next house/money in the bank.

  2. Relax for a bit and comeback at it with a fresh perspective

    1. We will do Simon. Tomorrow I may begin to feel there is less pressure and enjoy some freedom (though the garden is still a tyrant!!)

  3. Taking a break is a great idea. That way you can work on changing things at your own pace.

    God bless.

    1. I think the vital thing (and the most expensive!) is to relocate the driveway. Let's hope that does the trick.

  4. I can understand your mixed feelings BB. When my first husband and I first moved up to the Dales in 1987 we bought our house (my son lives there now) right next to a farm yard - literally. We loved it. We could chat to the cows over the wall in winter when they were inside (I never minded the smell) and in Spring when the sheep came in in batches to lamb my husband used to be over there 'helping'. There will be someone out there who likes the idea.

  5. Thanks Pat. The problem is so many townies coming to view who have NO IDEA of what "real"countryside is about, and it isn't manicured verges or pristine roads. Farmers live and work here and mud (and worse) gets on the roads, rivers flood sometimes, we have extremes of weather, and it's a long way to the shops and deary me, no street lights. They see our house and think "country estate" and not "farmhouse". What got me was the agent didn't want just a little drop, but such a huge and unrealistic one. I think they just wanted rid. They only have 12 properties on their books now, and I think perhaps I know why!!

  6. You must be royally peeved about it all, I know that I would be. That is a massive drop, ridiculous.

    My beloved 'townie' relatives can't get over the amount of mud and smells we have around here, it is just part of country life, a small price to pay. Perhaps your next agent will have slightly more realistic clients, fingers crossed.

    1. Peeved with the agents, definitely Elaine, but starting to feel relieved that we get the chance to finish the shower room (Keith goes for Physio tomorrow) and get those walls sorted out.

      People viewing seem unrealistic and extremely picky.

  7. In a way I think it is a good decision, taking the hassle and worry out of your life for a few months. The price drop was drastic and I am not sure it does any good anyway. Relax and enjoy your beautiful surroundings. x

  8. thelma - I think we have done the right thing. I was just SO worn out with trying to get it all perfect - the garden I had been unable to work on at all because of that very cold spell (when I would normally be out there) and then rain, and suddenly discovering we had a slate off and a ruined wall was the final straw. Plus Keith's shoulder has stopped him doing anything much for months.

  9. That would have been a massive drop in price. I think you have made the right decision and I hope you have some time to relax and get out and about. Someone somewhere will love your house when it goes back on the market.

    Have been enjoying your posts too about why you moved Wales - you have done so much work on your house that you certainly deserve a decent price for it.

  10. Thanks RR. With the grant work and personal investment in it, about £200,000 has been spent on it. Glad you have been enjoying the WWMTW posts.

    As for the agents, I don't think they wanted us on their books any more and that was the best way to get rid. It worked too . . .
