

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 15 July 2018

Beautiful stitches

These photographs were all rather hastily taken at the Botanic Gardens last weekend.  Hastily as there were people walking from stall to stall and some of the nicest had been covered over by the back of someone's stall.  These are all worked to a theme and showed individual interpretations in needlework.  I thought they were wonderful and so skilfully done.  If they are still up on the wall at the next Fair, I will remember to take my camera along when we set up so I can get a proper collage of them. 

What I loved were all the different techniques used to create these pictures.  The skills involved, the mix of painting fabric and overlaying, and stitching, and stumpwork, and 3-D (with that lovely butterfly and the embellished hexagons) - so many different skills and so many different interpretations. 


The picture above was my favourite.  The stumpwork trees were amazing, and I loved the map-like depiction of the fields in a particular corner of a parish.  Beautiful.  Which is your favourite?


  1. They are all stunning. My favourite is the Bittern. Quite amazing. Pity my hands wont stitch anymore! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed them Jill. It must be frustrating not to be able to sew any more, but at least you can paint (and beautifully too).

  2. All beautiful but I love the map one the best.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. It was beautifully executed parsnip. They have an embroidery group which meets at the Gardens regularly and they do beautiful work. I am assuming they were responsible for these too. I would quite like to join them (in my spare time!)

  3. Hi BB

    Do you think you could kidnap them all stunning and as you say so individual. Would go nicely with the collection of vintage embroidery I have been assembling. I love them all. The favourites though are the first picture, the bittern and the butterfly. Superb and thank you for sharing. Sounds a really interesting group. Take care. Tricia xx

  4. Glad you like them Tricia. I thought you would. I am now thinking - is it a Bittern, or could it be a Woodcock? The beak length, shape and markings suggest it could be. Lovely whatever it is.

  5. There's some very clever creative people around - they are amazing. I like the way the wave on the sea has bee captured and the grasses in the dunes

    1. The wave is cleverly done. So much talent about. I would love to improve my skills.

  6. Hard to choose for me between the first photograph and the map one - love them both.

    1. They looked so much more beautiful in real life - especially the ones under glass. I used my through-glass setting, but the sun was shining too brightly.

  7. I think my favourite is the grouping of trees. So peaceful.

    Amazing work by the artists involved.

    God bless.

    1. They all have their different merits Jackie. I liked that one too. So peaceful.

  8. Gosh, such talent! I love the second picture for its vibrant colour, but my favourite is the map .... reminds me of my childhood, wandering the lanes & footpaths of the small village where I lived in Cheshire ... I knew every nook, secret hiding place & gateway ... just magical. Thanks for sharing these with us! x

    1. Willow - you've just taken me back to my childhood too, with that memory. Gosh, we walked for miles and miles and knew every knook and cranny - AND every pony in about a 6 mile radius!

  9. The map one works for me, because I love maps and that is a clever concept...then again, fields of lavender, seaweeds, trees, sheep and flowers are all beautifully done, too. Nope, I am a dithering and dathering, full of admiration for their skills and creativity.

  10. Elaine - I know what you mean, it IS hard to choose. I love maps too and can lose myself in them, especially areas I know well.

  11. They are all so very beautiful - wonderful to think of the skills put into creating them. I too particularly love the one with the parish map as I love os maps etc so much. The second one is great too.

  12. RR - the 2nd one is very skillfully worked. The map has something special though.

  13. My favorite has to be the snipe/woodcock at the edge of the marshy ground. What a treat to see these little works of art in person.

  14. They are adorable Sharon. Some were priced up for sale, but I don't think there will be many takers in the current selling market!
