

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 14 July 2018

Looking tidy - and wildlife

When we had the horses, this was the paddock.  It is no longer fenced and the border of trees would let determined ponies through with no problems whatsoever!

Now we are restoring it to be part of the garden here again, and today the gardener (doesn't that sound grand?!) came to mow it for us.  Of course, with the drought, it hadn't grown too much so didn't take him anything like as long as it did last time.  He also rotovated the last bit of the veg plot.  Now I am torn between planting it with green manure over the winter, or digging in the lawn clippings - of course, we should have thought to get him to rotovate them in at the time, but didn't know this was a good plan (I was thinking if we got grass seed dug in there, it would be back to grass in no time).  

Above and below: Ash trees suffering from Ash die-back.  We have several around our land.  Great for firewood, only at the moment Keith still has his frozen shoulder and just can't fell the trees and cut them up as he used to.  Which is a pain because this is perfect weather for getting them dried quickly - like being in a kiln!  We will have to see about getting someone in to do it for us - perhaps the local firewood chap might come and cut several down and be paid partly in firewood.

Anyway, I spent much of today indoors as the humidity levels were such that it felt just as it was in the Dome last weekend.  I am only just starting to come right from that, and even so, my peak flow isn't good.   I will try and get up very early tomorrow and do a walk as that helps more than anything to improve matters and clear my airways.

I finally watched some Tennis today (women's finals) as it was obvious that England weren't going to be 3rd in the Football which Keith was watching.  I haven't watched tennis for several years, but as it was the womens' final I thought I would.  I was very good and did the ironing and everything is tidied away, and windows have been cleaned, fresh bed linen on the beds (dirty linen washed with fingers crossed that the water wouldn't run out!) and tomorrow I will finish the tidying - though that includes the Junk Room, so I May Be Gone Some Time doing that!

Edited to add - I've just been looking out of the half-landing window, and the young rabbit who chances his arm most days, was out there again.  I fear that one of these days Alfie is going to catch him . . .

There has been a family of Thrushes nesting in our copse along the stream bank too.  I have two out there most evenings - not sure if they are the parents or youngsters but probably the former.

There have been a goodly number of Mistle Thrushes along our valley too this summer, so obviously something suits them here.

Right, off to read my book now.


  1. I've watched so much tennis this week - including the marathon semi final yesterday.
    What a treat to see thrushes and mistle thrushes - rarely seen here

    1. Mum used to watch it too. I only occasionally do nowadays - mainly as my husband doesn't follow it. Serena Williams did her best today, but is still on the upward path to being back to her peak form.

      You probably have birds we rarely get over here. I wonder why the Thrushes don't come to Suffolk?

  2. How lovely - the trees too. I love trees. Good idea about the woodman, we had a similar deal with ours. He chopped and removed and gave us some seasoned wood to burn. I think we later ended up buying our own trees to burn tho!

    1. It sounds like a plan then! We will go and see Mr C tomorrow. We have LOTS of trees in our valley - in fact, in Wales generally. Our valley is mainly Ash and Oak, and because there is so much Ash it makes spring late to appear as it is always the last to get its leaves.

  3. It would be a fine thing to have a gardener, for sure. :~) The paddock, or former paddock (not a word we use much), does look tidy and will make a lovely addition to the garden. The hottest time of the year is best for cutting wood for winter's fire, but is not something we are inclined to do.

  4. We have to use him as we don't have a ride-on mower any more. Not than Dennis does either but he does have a powerful petrol mower and it makes short work of the grass out there. We have gotten to the stage where we realize our limitations and my husband doesn't want to buy another mower.
