

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Out and about at the Botanic Gardens

Above: Paxton's Tower overlooking the beautiful Towey Valley.

Looking towards the far side of the Towey Valley - our river valley leads off this.

I believe this was originally the servant's quarters.  On Fair days, it is full of dealers selling their lovely finds.

Some of the lovely plantings where you can wander at will.

Looking down towards the Vintage Village.  They had a bit of a breeze down here - definitely better to be outside than in!

A sparrow family in residence at the back of the old stable block (now turned into a cafe area.)  The babies will have flown by now.

A lovely hexagon quilt on one of the stands in the vintage village.

This lady turns up regularly at Fairs, and is always immaculately turned out in swish 50s style.  She has the figure for it too.

One of the areas sown with wild flowers.  So pretty.

Apologies for the lack of words this morning but I am running late (having caught up with Poldark before getting started on this post).  I didn't sleep at all well past 2 a.m. last night and I feel a bit groggy as a result.  There were about three spots of rain at 6.30 this morning and some is threatened for this afternoon - it is overcast and cooler, so fingers crossed, though of course it would coincide with a planned beach picnic with our eldest daughter!


  1. Hope you have a better night tonight, another much cooler day here, but still no rain

  2. Cooler here too, and overcast, we had some rain during the afternoon and a thunderstorm is forecast tomorrow. Let's hope . . . I took an Ibuprofen as that reduces the inflammation in my lungs, so hopefully I will rest better tonight. Thank you.

  3. Same weather here but still no oxygen. My feet are like cushions!

    1. Oh poor you Jill. I hope this long hot spell ends soon so the summer is easier to cope with. Does anything help your puffy feet?

  4. Lovely meadow, cute family of little sparrows. My eaves are a penthouse for several spuggy families

    1. We have a good colony of House Sparrows here too (they live behind the barge boards). Isn't the meadow beautiful?

  5. What a beautiful header picture! Talk about a view! Also, the meadow is just so lovely! There aren't many places around here where the wildflowers are allowed to grow. I also enjoyed your photo at the gate looking towards the far side of the valley. Hopefully your heat wave will begin to subside so you can be out and about taking in the beauty of your wonderful countryside.

  6. We are so lucky with the views around here. OK, there are a lot of hills and you have to walk up them (or drive) to get the views, but even in the valley bottom here there are lovely vistas.

    The wild flower meadow was sown deliberately. Sometimes roundabouts are sown like this, or verges (in the areas which have sensible Councils). Always a joy to see. I got out for a very short walk this morning but should have done it an hour earlier as I am "glowing" still now!

  7. What a beautiful place - lovely to see the wildflower meadow and lavender :)
