

Jennie's recipes

Friday 13 July 2018

Evening at the beach

Tam wanted to go to the beach whilst she was here, so when she had finished working yesterday we set off for Pendine, but were quite surprised when we got there to find that the tide was totally in - normally you have to walk half a mile to paddle in it!  This is the view to the East, with the long beach of Pembrey in the distance.

Looking in the direction of Tenby here, which you can just see in the distance beyond the headland.

Looking along the front towards some of the buildings along the front at Pendine, and cottages on the hillside overlooking it.

There were a couple of families paddling and bathing with children and dogs - the dogs were really having fun chasing a ball into the water.

A view of Caldey Island, which I still hope to visit this summer.

You can just see the spire of one of the Tenby churches in this photo if you look closely.

Above and below: we ate fish and chips and watched the waves coming to shore and breaking on the rocks.  It was so peaceful, and we just sat and watched folk swim, and it was a wonderful way of unwinding after a busy week (and last weekend's stresses).

We drove through Laugharne to get to Tenby and when we sat down to watch tv last night, there was a re-run of the series "Keeping Faith" which was largely filmed in Laugharne, and we knew all the places they had filmed.  It looks like being a good drama.

Below: I have finally been able to get out and do some tidying up in the garden, and got down 3 bags of bark chippings.  There were only a few sparse weeds which have survived the drought, and I pulled them up and covered the area to keep any moisture in and stop the weeds growing.

I have been very tired this week and not up to doing a great deal - I just wanted to sit and read, so I have done just that, plus watching the racing from Newmarket on a couple of afternoons.

We are still having to be very careful with the water supply and the threatened heavy rain hasn't materialized here.  There are some clouds about, but none looking like dumping the sort of quantities of rain we are desperate for here.  The fields are all scorched now and I expect farmers are far more desperate than me for rain to give them more grazing as well as topping up water supplies - thirsty cattle drink an awful lot of water.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. A lovely post. Beautiful coast there. Keeping Faith - how do I find that?

  2. There you go Jill. I think you'll enjoy it. Laugharne is a place we would quite like to retire to. Glad you liked the post - Pendine was one of our favourite beaches to take the children to down the years as it has caves.

  3. Lovely photos, it looks so calm and peaceful.
    We got stuck on caldey island for an extra several hours when a boat broke down, it turned very chilly waiting!.

    1. It was very peaceful. A few folk about, but not like the daytime when the beach is much busier, especially in summer. Oh dear - I bet you were glad to be off Caldey then!

  4. Greetings via Tales from Parsonage Cottage...although we have a few other blogs in common!

    1. Greetings gz. I see you have a fondness for roses, like me, and live not that far away! Good to have you on board.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. Words are on the short side at the moment as I've had other distractions (eldest daughter here), but the photos are a good way of capturing the day . . .

  6. The magic of the coast - and the sound of the sea. I hope it helped with the recharging. You have made me yearn for a breath of sea air, a whim I must indulge before too long. I have recorded 'Keeping Faith', looking forward to viewing it.

    1. The sea air has helped. It has taken me a full week to get over the heat and lack of air in the Dome last weekend. Enjoy Keeping Faith. You will want to head for Wales, methinks! How far are you from the coast?

  7. Keeping Faith was such a good story, do hope they get a second series going. Our North coast is not as pretty as the West coast of Wales, the sea looked very tempting.

    1. There were several people swimming, but we reckoned it was fairly cold in there. It is pretty shallow for a fair way out but Tam said they went out neck-deep when we used to take them as teenagers, and the tide was going out and it was hard to swim against it. West Wales takes some beating for coastline but the North coast has its merits.

  8. I’ve just started to follow your blog after reading that you had a tip for drying rose petals in the microwave. Would it be possible to let me have a link please?
    We lived in the Vale of Glamorgan until 2 years ago and love the Welsh coastline.

  9. Hello and welcome Catherine. The dried rose petals "how to" was posted on 20th June this year. I expect you miss the Welsh coastline. We have some fabulous beaches here in Carms and Pembrokeshire is the Welsh equivalent of Cornwall.

  10. Love seeing the seaside photos. I wish you, and me, some rain.

  11. Hello hart. Rain would be wonderful - but not every day for the rest of the summer . . . Just sufficient now and again so I didn't have to water round daily! I expect you feel the same.
