

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 5 August 2018

Hay-on-Wye WW1 Weekend commemorating the end of the War

Today has been another hot (and busy) one, as my OH and I went to the WW1 100 year end of the war anniversary celebrations in Hay-on-Wye.  Here is our friend Duncan, who is Pipe Master of the City of Swansea Pipe Band, and who gave me this lovely salute!

Some more photos for you - of the first parade around the town, with re-enactors, local worthies bearing standards, veterans etc., led by the Pipe Band led by Duncan, and with horses bringing up the rear.

The section of the Pipe Band who paraded today.

Re-enactors, who must have been SO hot.

British Legion standard bearers.

Even hotter, in their khaki and carefully-wound puttees, more re-enactors.

The nursing corps, followed by Suffragettes.

A well-behaved bay mare (point-to-pointer, I reckon, as her soldier owner was using a steeplechase saddle and rode short).

The pair of bay carriage horses, looking like butter wouldn't melt . . .

Here is the Bad Boy of the pair - note the very intelligent eye, possibly plotting something . . .  Horsey people also note rein on the snaffle ring of the Army Reversible bit and NO curb chain.

When they moved off later, the Bad Boy shot into a canter down the little slope towards Lion Street (they were supposed to be walking sedately) and only the quick thinking and very strong hands of the driver averted an accident when he wheeled them into the High Town lane below the Buttermarket and slammed the brake on, with an iron grip on the reins. . .  When they had settled, two "soldiers" took a horse each by the bridle, and the order came to "walk on" and Bad Boy shot off again, and they nearly came to grief going up towards the Bullring as the road was slippy for them.  I think all concerned were glad to get back to base camp . . .

I believe this lady represented the millions of widows and girlfriends whose husbands/sweethearts had been killed.

Emma Brown singing. She has a beautiful voice.

Re-enactment soldier at the top of Hay Castle steps.

Hay memorial after wreaths and tribute red roses had been laid.

A great picture of Duncan and Keith (who, incidentally, is not a dwarf - Duncan's on the slope above him and his hat adds at least a foot to his height!!

A lovely day out, but glad to be back in the cool again now!


  1. Good photos, reminding me of happy hours on Hay Car Park (Actually it would be mainly Col who was in the car park while I was round the bookshops!)

    1. I'm glad it brought back some happy memories for you Sue. I take it Col wasn't such a bookaholic as you then . . .

  2. Makes me hot just looking at those busby hats!

    1. They must have been melting. They were sort of "pretend" busbies as they were more like layers of those feathery boas I remember from the 70s.

  3. Lovely pictures. I wish we celebrated our past. Thanks for sharing. Julia in Texas

    1. Hi Julia in Texas. Glad you enjoyed them. Every November we have a Remembrance Day to pay respects to our fallen.

  4. What a super event - I loved seeing all your photos. The people must have been SO hot in those uniforms!!!

    1. I bet they were melting! Wool and serge - oh my!

  5. What a wonderful event, I particularly love the photograph of the old British Legion standard bearers and the chaps with their medals, all of them, including Duncan and Keith. Love all the horsey information about those straps, buckles and unfathomable bits of tack on Bad Boy!

    1. Glad you enjoyed reading about it. The Standard Bearers certainly earned a beer afterwords!

  6. What a lovely celebration! I could look on and on at the costumes, uniforms, etc. You, one of the Horsey people, who loves the smell of saddle leather, made some interesting comments on the horses. Not a good day for Bad Boy, for sure!

    1. It was indeed a lovely celebration. I had to wipe away a tear on occasion.

      I think Bad Boy enjoyed himself no end!

  7. We all loved Bad Boy and what a great day out. It never ceases to amaze me how grownups play act past historical events, it is all for the good but the attention to detail is excellent.

    1. These chaps take it VERY seriously and have to have their uniform and accoutrements exactly right.

  8. Fantastic photos, very evocative.

    1. Hi Lou, glad you enjoyed them. How are you dealing with being Famous?!!
